How to Do a Split Leap: Drills & Exercises to Help you Improve

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How to do a split leap with drills and exercises to help you get better
A split leap is an important skill in gymnastics, and one that you should master. A split leap is usually part of the dance in both your floor and beam routines. In this article we share some drills and exercises you can do to help you learn a beautiful, perfect split leap.

split leap angles

As you advance through the gymnastics levels you will need to do bigger gymnastics leaps. As a beginner gymnast, you will start doing a split leap requiring only a 60º angle split leap for Level 2 and Xcel Bronze. Beginning at Level 3 and Xcel Silver, gymnasts are expected to achieve a 90° split in the routines. Level 4 and Xcel Gold and Platinum Beam require a 120º split leap angle to get credit for the skill. By the time you are a Level 5 gymnast or Xcel Diamond and Platinum Floor, you will need to be able to do a split leap with a 150° split on floor. Starting as a Level 6 gymnast and continuing through Level 10, you will need to be able to do a leap, split, or jump with a 180° split. So needless to say, a split leap is a skill you should spend time learning how to do perfectly.

split leap workout


The first step to learning how to do a perfect split leap is to master a split jump. A split jump is what a split leap should look like in midair. A split jump is off two feet, while a split leap is off of one.

A split jump is when you jump off the ground with two feet.

One other tip for doing beautiful split leaps is to leap into the leap. This means that if you are taking several steps into your split leap, the last step should be low and long, like a leap. The low and long step you take before the leap is a punching step. This step helps you punch off the ground so you can leap higher.

How to Improve your Split Leap

When you want to improve your split leap, here are the main areas to focus on:

  • Height of your Split Leap
  • Degree of Leg Separation (the split of your leap)
  • Form (straight legs, pointed feet, good posture)

You also want to make sure your legs are evenly split. Check out the video below!

Gymnast: @alyssa.jade_b

Height of your Split Leap

To improve the height of your split leap you need to strengthen your leg muscles so you can push harder off of the ground. Doing conditioning exercises will help you strengthen your leg muscles and get higher off the ground.

Squats are a great example of a leg conditioning that will help strengthen the muscles which will help you get higher off of the ground. You can also do split jumps in a row which will help strengthen your leg muscles and work on your active flexibility.

Degree of Leg Separation

This also includes making sure your legs are evenly split. To help with this, you’re going to need to improve your active flexibility. One of the best ways to do that is by doing different types of kicks. Here are the ones we do in SkillTrakker.

Forward Kicks

You can be flat-footed or in high relevé. Arms are out to the side, and try to keep a nice body shape – chest up, legs straight, and toes pointed…the usual. Do 10x.

Sidewards Kicks

Just like before, except before except this time you’re going to be kicking to the side. Do 10x.

Back Kicks

You’re going to face forwards and kick backwards as you are walking backwards. Try to keep both legs straight – the kicking leg and the base leg. Do 10x.

Needle Kicks

These can sometimes be a little complicated. Keep your arms by your ears, and as your chest goes down your back leg will go back up to the ceiling. When your chest comes up and your back leg comes down, swing your leg through onto the next step. Do 10x.

Alternating Split Leaps

When doing these, really try to push off of that back leg. You want to try to get your split even on both your good and bad legs. Do 10x.

Straight Leg Skips (not in video)

These are just like regular skips, except while you leave the ground on one leg, your other leg will be straight out horizontally, making a 90º angle at your hips. Try to hold for 1 sec before alternating to the other leg. Do 10x.

Connected Sissonés

With a sissoné, your back leg is slightly higher than your front leg. You want to start on two feet, jump up in your split and land on your front leg before landing on your back leg. Do 10x.


The last main aspect of getting a good split leap is form.

Straight Body Pike

Sit in a straight body pike where you squeeze your legs together and lift your chest and chin up. Focus on squeezing the muscles and not letting go. You can also reach for your feet, but make sure your knees do not bend.

These drills should get you started improving your split leap. One other main thing you can do to improve your split leap is to practice different leap entries and see which one works best for you. Sign up for SkillTrakker to learn them!

Study Done on Improving Split Leaps

As we mentioned in our article about Flexibility in Gymnasts, there was a study done by Dr. Sands to try to increase a group of elite gymnasts’ flexibility. The skill they used for measurement was split leaps.

In the study they began by measuring the degree of split of the gymnasts’ split leaps with video. Then the gymnasts began a training program where they used therabands to add resistance to the following moves. (They added resistance because they are elite gymnasts, these exercises should be completely mastered without resistance before attempting to add it.)

  • Kicks forward
  • Kicks sideward
  • Kicks rearward
  • Straddle jumps
  • Split jumps

They slowly increased the amount of repetitions and sets. At the end of the study all of the gymnasts had improved their split leaps along with their jumps and kicks. Kicks and jumps are included in the drills you should master below.


Muscles You Need for a Split Leap

muscles you need for a split leap

Legs: You need strong legs in order to do a beautiful split leap, because your leg muscles are what help you punch off the ground to get high in the air. Your legs and hip muscles are also what pull your legs up off the ground into the split position they should be in while in the air.


Split Leap Drills

Split Jumps – Do split jumps in a row to improve your active flexibility. Split jumps also work on improving your leg strength, which you need to jump high.

GymHQ Kick Complex #1 – Do ten kicks forwards, then 10 kicks backwards, and then 10 kicks to each side. Kicks are the best active flexibility drill you can do to improve your leaps.


Tools for Learning a Split Leap




how to tools kettlebells

Kettlebells are useful for doing strength exercises with resistance. $45.62
Check Current Price Here

how to kip tools theraband

Therabands are useful for adding resistance to kicks and jumps once you have completely mastered them without resistance. $14.99
Check Current Price Here
8 Inch Mat

how to tools 8 inch mat

An 8-inch mat can be used to do the split leap drill where you step against a mat propped against the wall. $499.00
Check Current Price Here


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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a split leap in gymnastics?

A: A split leap is a common skill in gymnastics where the gymnast jumps into the air off of one, splits their legs apart, and lands with one leg first and then the other follows.

Q: How can I improve my split leap?

A: To improve your split leap, you can work on your improving your active flexibility, strengthen your legs so that you can jump higher, and work on your overall technique.

Q: Is it important to have good flexibility to perform a split leap?

A: Yes, having good flexibility is crucial for performing a split leap successfully. It allows you to achieve the proper split position in the air and land with control and without injury.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when doing a split leap?

A: Some common mistakes to avoid when doing a split leap include failing to fully extend your legs in the split position, not jumping high enough, landing with poor technique, and lacking proper body alignment.

Q: How can I make my split leap more powerful and dynamic?

A: To make your split leap more powerful and dynamic, focus on increasing your leg strength so that you can push off the ground higher. Also, work on increasing your active flexibility so that you can leap bigger.

If you work on strengthening your muscles with the exercises above, and practice the split leap drills, we’re confident that you should be on your way to learning and improving your split leap. And once you’ve mastered your split leap, you can move on to learning how to do a switch leap.

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10 comments… add one
  • Anna January 20, 2019, 10:55 am

    I am so excited about the 7 day split leap challenge. Will some of these things be part of the challenge?

    • gymnasticshq January 20, 2019, 5:39 pm

      We’re so happy you’re excited! We can’t wait to see the progress you make. Did you get the PDF? It lists all the drills we’ll be doing.

  • Anna January 20, 2019, 10:56 am

    I am so excited about the 7 day split leap challenge! Will some of these things be part of the challenge? I can’t wait to see how everyone improves!!!

    • gymnasticshq January 22, 2019, 8:57 pm

      Yep! Definitely! And we can’t wait either

  • Mariah January 24, 2019, 5:31 pm

    OMG I cant not wait till the 7 day split leap.I only have 3 days sence I entered late but I got this! I will work as hard as I can to Ace this split leap!^^

  • Annika January 25, 2019, 8:03 am

    My split are going to be good for meets

  • TT February 19, 2019, 5:56 am

    hey i learnt the splits with 2 other Friends we lol gymnastics and are making a dance
    any help on how to do the split leap would be greatly appreciated, thanks TT

  • Lil March 12, 2022, 9:07 am

    I’m so bad at this and I’ve done everything I’m supposed to be doing for the past month! Is there any additional drills or info that may help me?

    • HEHM May 14, 2023, 11:56 pm

      I like to think of it as a Sisone more because that helps you drive your back leg also you can put your front leg on a mat or something so that your legs are at 90 degrees and then lift up your front leg ten times the do the same thing with the back leg. Sorry I responded so late.

  • Ellie December 3, 2022, 4:28 pm

    wow I’ve gotten my split leap! Thank you do this , I wouldn’t have been able to get my leap

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