5 Ways to Overcome a Mental Block in Gymnastics

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mental blocks in gymnastics, how to overcome mental blocks in gymnastics


As a gymnast, you’ve probably been there before. Trying to do a skill you’ve done in the past but feeling like you just can’t do it. It’s not that your body can’t perform the skill because it can. It’s not that you don’t want to do the skill because you do. It’s that you can’t. You just can’t.

Explaining balking and mental blocks to non-gymnasts is nearly impossible. How can you explain to them that something in your mind just stops you from doing a skill? How can you explain that even though you know you can do the skill and really want to do it, your mind just tells you no. It’s something inside that makes you feel stuck. And you can’t seem to shake it no matter what you do. In fact, the harder you try to do the skill, the worse it gets!

Your coaches might say “Don’t think about it. Just do it.” But the thing is, you ARE trying really hard not to think about it so much. You ARE trying to just throw the skill. But you can’t. You physically can’t do it even though you know you physically CAN do it. That’s the sticky part. Your body can do it, but your mind won’t let it.

Mental blocks have been a long studied phenomenon in sport psychology given their ability to disrupt even the most successful of athletes. But in gymnastics, mental blocks can affect more than a gymnast’s ability to successfully complete a skill. They can disrupt her entire career. A mental block on one skill can quickly spiral into a loss of confidence. It can create a fear that can spread to more than just the skill in question but to an entire group of skills such as anything backwards. 

Mental blocks can also affect things other than skills. You might blank out during a routine or even choke at your meet when you’re under pressure. These are all versions of mental blocks that can be equally devastating and frustrating. 


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Where A Mental Block in Gymnastics Comes From

So where does a mental block come from? The first part in learning how to overcome mental blocks is understanding where they come from. Mental blocks are a type of fear that usually comes from one of two different causes – your brain keeping you safe from danger through a primitive response known as fight-or-flight or your mind being afraid of the unknown or what might happen.

Everyone is hard wired with a fight-or-flight response, also known as an acute stress response, that protects your body from danger. This response is triggered by hormones that prepare your body to stay and fight the threat or flee by running away to safety. The fight-or-flight response can happen when faced with a physical threat such as a dog attacking you or when faced with a psychological threat such as having to give a speech in front of a large crowd. In either case, your body’s response is the same. Your heartbeat and inspiration rate increase to provide energy and oxygen to your body. Blood flows to your muscles and away from your skin. Your pupils dilate and your body begins to sweat. These are all signs that your body is preparing itself to escape the danger that it perceives to be a threat.

Unfortunately, sometimes your brain can’t recognize when a threat poses a real danger versus when a threat is something that can be ignored. For example, when you are trying to perform a skill in gymnastics that your body perceives as a threat, your fight-or-flight response might kick in. While this response might be helpful if you’re sprinting across a 4 inch wide log over a rapid river to escape a jungle animal, it’s not helpful if you’re trying to perform a back handspring on a 4 inch wide beam. In addition, the fight-or-flight response can kick in even if it imagines a perceived threat, such as in a phobia or when you think about negative things happening.

So if mental blocks are the result of the fight-or-flight response kicking into overdrive, how can we stop this response from happening so that we can get past a mental block and perform the skill in question? We make it clear to our brain that the threat is no longer there. Below we give you five ways to overcome a mental block in gymnastics.

5 Ways to Overcome a Mental Block in Gymnastics

Number One: Take Deep Breaths

When your body is in fight-or-flight mode it takes shallow, quick breaths in order to increase inspiration and provide oxygen to its muscles. One way to trick your brain away from the stress response is to slow down your breathing. If you notice your heartbeat racing, palms sweating, and feel the anxiety coming on, take a few minutes to breathe deeply. Focus on breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth slowly and as deep into your belly as you can.

As you learn to control your breathing, your brain will calm down its fight-or-flight response and release hormones that turn off the stress response. If you were truly running from a predator you wouldn’t be sitting there taking calming breaths and your brain is smart enough to know this. So deep belly breathing helps to turn off the fight-or-flight response.

Gymnastics Journal

Number Two: Relax Your Muscles

When you’re experiencing a mental block, you’ll notice that your muscles are tense. If this tension continues it increases the likelihood that the fight-or-flight response will continue because muscle tension is a way of preparing your body for the stress response. Similar to breathing, you need to tell your body that there is nothing to be afraid of.

One way to do this is to pay attention to each of your muscle groups one at a time and to relax them.  Start from your shoulders, since that’s the place most people hold tension first, and imagine your muscles melting like ice cream. Feel them getting soft and floppy like a noodle. As you breathe in, imagine your breath going to that muscle and taking away the tightness. 

You can do this quickly as you’re standing there in the gym in between skills or as you’re waiting to compete at a meet. In either case, the main goal behind this exercise is to have awareness of where you’re holding your tension and being able to release it in that moment.


Number Three: Imagine Yourself Doing the Skill In Your Mind

Your brain is a complex system that uses all its senses to produce responses. Using imagery techniques can “trick” your brain into believing your body can do something. When you feel stuck and are unable to perform a skill you once could perform, one of the best ways to get past this is to spend time imagining yourself performing the skill you’re struggling on. See yourself going through each of the motions of your skill in slow motion. Make it as realistic as possible. What sounds do you hear? What does the gym smell like? How do your muscles feel? The more details you can add to your imagery, the more likely you are to convince your brain that you can do the skill again.

If you find yourself getting stuck on one section of your skill, keep going through that part until it feels better. Sometimes it’s not the skill as a whole that can cause fear but one particular part of it, such as the going backwards part or the upside down part. And often these little fears might have come from a skill that wasn’t related to the skill you’re trying to do. If you can’t seem to get past that part of the skill that seems stuck then it could be that you need to physically practice that part over and over. If it feels like a fear of going backwards then you might spend time by the pit throwing back tucks until this feels better.

While you might not have a lot of time to imagine yourself doing the skill you’re blocked on in that particular moment, it’s enough to make a difference if you do it consistently enough. So while you’re waiting for your turn you can “practice” your skill in your mind a few times. And then most importantly, continue to practice this imagery at home when you’re away from the gym.

Number Four: Dial It Down A Notch Until You Feel More Confident

It’s common to lose skills or balk when pressure is high. Maybe you need a particular skill for your next meet or maybe you need that skill to move up to the next level. So if you lose that skill it usually means you’re feeling the pressure to get it back right away. And that might mean you keep trying the skill until you get it. But unfortunately this can make your mental block worse which can add to the stress of getting the skill in time.

Instead, in order to get past a mental block you need to figure out what you CAN do in that moment and be ok with just doing that. When you experience a mental block your confidence decreases. Your goal then should be to go back and break down your skill until you’re doing steps that you feel comfortable with even though you’re dialing it down a notch.

For example, if all of a sudden you lose your front handspring on vault, you might feel like you have to keep trying it until you get it. But chances are you’ll just sprint down the runway and balk at the last minute if you don’t feel confident that you can do it. The more you balk, though, the lower your confidence gets and with each pass you’re actually increasing the likelihood that your mental block will continue. What you should do, instead, is think of the next step that you can do that feels a little out of your comfort zone but that you are sure you will do. In this case, you might go back and do a front handspring with your coach spotting you. If this is too much you might do a drill where you run up to stacked mats and do a front handspring to your back. If that’s still too much, then you dial it down another notch. Maybe you just do some front handsprings on floor until you feel more confident with the motion. Once you gain your confidence on that, you could then practice jumping onto the board and going up to handstands onto stacked mats. 

Even though it might feel like you’re taking two steps backwards, you need to do what makes you feel confident again, even if it’s not the skill.  More often than not, this will be something that’s different than what your coaches think you should do. But trust your gut and figure out what makes YOU feel confident again. And then have an honest conversation with your coach about what you really need in order to feel confident in that moment. Most coaches will understand if you communicate with them. 

Number Five: Focus on Something Positive In That Moment

When you’re experiencing a mental block, it’s easy to only focus on the negative and to feel like it’s something you’ll never overcome. Your emotions can take over and your thoughts can start to spiral downward quickly. Eventually you might start to dread the skill and even start to dread practice. But even though a mental block might feel like a black-or-white situation where you can either do the skill or not, it’s really a complex fear that’s comprised of many factors. When you start to focus on things that are positive during this stress response it will calm down your nervous system and help you overcome the negative feelings more quickly.

So what can you think about that’s positive? Perhaps you all of a sudden can’t seem to connect your back walkover-back handspring on beam and it has you frustrated. Instead of dwelling on this, think about all the things you CAN do well and get lost in those positive feelings. Look around at all your gym friends and be thankful for those friendships. Look at the rips on your hands and be thankful you have the ability to swing around the bars. Be thankful for your coach who shows up every practice to help you. Whatever you think about, make sure it feels good to you and gets your mind off the lost skill. You can always find something positive in every situation. After you refocus your thoughts to more positive thoughts, repeat this mantra: ”This too shall pass!”


Mental blocks are frustrating and can leave even the best gymnasts feeling less than confident. It can feel at times like you’ll never get past them. What’s worse is that you know you’re capable of doing the skill and yet it’s so hard for you to “just do it.” You can feel embarrassed and unsure in front of your coaches and teammates. And you might even want to quit. But the good news is that there’s hope! By practicing the techniques we discussed in this article such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and imagery you can learn how to turn off the stress response and decrease your body’s reaction to the perceived threat of danger. You can also build up your confidence by imagining yourself doing the skill successfully since your brain can’t tell the difference between something it perceives in your mind versus reality. Dialing it down a notch can also build up confidence and help you slowly regain the ability to complete your skill. Finally, keeping a positive mindset can counteract your mind’s tendency to take a negative spin on the situation which will leave you feeling more calm and can in turn decrease the stress response.


Find out 5 ways to get over mental blocks in gymnastics.

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61 comments… add one
  • Hi October 19, 2019, 8:01 am

    Omg! That video helped me soooo much with my skill (BWO Back-Pike on high beam)! Thanks so much gym HQ

    • gymnasticshq October 19, 2019, 8:33 am

      We’re so glad it helped!!

  • Heaven October 19, 2019, 9:53 am

    Thank you mrs Jessica I Hope this works with my round off backhand spring back tuck!!!!!

    • gymnasticshq October 19, 2019, 10:26 am

      We hope it helps too!!

    • Mea August 16, 2023, 7:20 pm

      This is the same thing I struggle with I can do it over and over but I had one bad fall and couldn’t do it months after the practice but this helped me out!

  • jadyn ood October 21, 2019, 7:19 am

    Thankyou sooo much for the video unfortunately as ive only started gymnastics at around b10 years old im not very flexible and i cant do many skills but this video has still helped me get my backbend and im learning my backbend kickover thanks xxxx

    • gymnasticshq October 23, 2019, 10:31 am

      We’re glad this helped!!

      • Fallon February 24, 2021, 2:44 pm

        This helped me so much with my backhand spring over the table I did it yesterday

  • Maya Peeders October 21, 2019, 7:17 pm

    Thank you so much for this article! I used to have my front handspring front tuck, but I lost it over the summer. I have tried some of these techniques already, and I will be sure to try the others!

    • gymnasticshq October 23, 2019, 10:31 am

      Good luck! Remember how important visualization is. Every day imagine yourself doing your front handspring front tuck. You’ll get it back!!

  • Julia November 21, 2019, 10:31 am

    It didn’t help much, Cuz I have a huge mental block , I am really scared of doing the back handspring, don’t know what to do.

    • presleigh April 26, 2020, 4:21 pm

      same ugh- do u have it yet? (if u see this) what did u do?

      • Amelia July 10, 2020, 8:10 pm

        I know this is late but here are some tips in case you have not gotten over it yet.
        1: take a step back ask your coach to spot you and right when you step back to your original place go for it.
        2: have some one spot you and as the spot you try and get up and move back as fast as you can to get as little spot as possible.
        3: have a squishy mat and practice the set jumping back.
        4: do it on a squishy mat a Birtha, trampoline, or 8 incher. You can try Down a cheese mat or on a big mat and slowly lower it.
        5: squeeze you left hand say something three times really fast then go for it where you feel comfortable like with a spot.
        Try to go back to hit the sitting position before your set and just swing your arms back!! You got it!!!!!

        • Estella Skolnik February 5, 2021, 10:14 am

          This is for back handsprings, do you have any tips for back walkovers?

          • Helper February 8, 2021, 4:13 pm

            I think about the only way is back and will not let myself come up. you got this!!!

          • Aubrie January 18, 2023, 5:09 pm

            Estella Skolnik I’m not sure if you’ll see this; it’s pretty late and you probably got your walkover by now. But when I was struggling with my back walkover, I just did bridge kickovers, and each time I separated my feet a little more. Hope this helped!

          • gymnast July 11, 2023, 8:12 pm

            think of it as back bend kickover but go very smoothly through the back bend and kickover

      • Fallon February 24, 2021, 2:43 pm

        This helped so much

    • Mea August 16, 2023, 7:21 pm

      Dude I feel the same I just can’t get over it and it feels like there is no hope

  • Jacqui November 27, 2019, 3:13 am

    I have turned my tsuk into the pit but i am scared i’m going to hurt myself by landing on my face when i turn onto mats. any more tips? thanks

  • Sky January 2, 2020, 12:57 pm

    Just do it on a soft surface and with a spot if you have one (if you don’t it’s fine but just in case have lots of pillows below you (since your doing a back handspring)) weather you did it or not you know what you’re expecting and just keep trying, and since you did it on a soft surface it won’t hurt.

    Hope this helped.

  • maddie June 1, 2020, 12:24 pm

    I have had my back handspring for 8 years now! But suddenly I can’t do it! It’s really stressing me out and i dont know what to do

  • KJ August 11, 2020, 10:03 am

    I’ve been having super bad mental blocks on my cast handstand recently, I’ve never been able to do it without a spot but I used to be very confident with a spot. A couple weeks ago, I was doing one and then I heard a little kid scream from across the gym. I freaked out and fell off the bar. I didn’t get hurt, but now I’m scared of going higher than 45 degrees above horizontal, even with a super heavy spot from my coach. She keeps telling me “don’t be scared, I know you can do it,” and I know I can do it too, I’m just freaking out because of what happened that time! Does anyone have any tips?

  • Kylie August 28, 2020, 5:10 pm

    I know this sounds like I’m a baby but I’m in Excel and can’t do my front tuck off of the beam I feel like I’m going to hit my head and that hurt myself really bad the things listed didn’t really help me anything else that’ll help

  • Lemon Head September 11, 2020, 4:36 pm

    I have been stuck on the front handspring over the table forever we would find something that would fix it then I could not do it the next day! We would “step back” and I would do it but moving forward was blocked my coaches friend came up with the forward roll idea I love dive rolls so we set up and blue block and a spring board and my couch just told me to do a forward roll over it after a few times you pretty much do a handstand after you do some vaults over that you can move the block behind the table and do forward rolls over it after some with the block try some without it, me personally I accidentally did a handstand and went over! This might not work for everyone but the block is surely easyer to move then a stack mat or something similar it makes you not worry about wasting your teammates time I hope this helps you get over the table

  • Ally September 15, 2020, 8:05 pm

    omg! i have been struggling to even do my back walkover to handspring on high beam. i have done it many times and fallen many times but every day its a fight. my brain keeps bringing up my past of moments of mental blocks etc and im just so scared! ik i can do it and ik its okay if i fall bc its gonna happen but sometimes i cant do it. ofc i go for it but for the first 5 minutes im standing there building up negative energy. I will definitely take this tips into my practice tmr and also my coach gave me some advice of keep moving so u are standing there. I got this!

  • Laura October 5, 2020, 5:27 pm

    I hope this help me with my balkwalkover on beam and my roundoff backhandspring back tuck on floor!!!

  • skylar October 23, 2020, 1:06 pm

    Hi, I am a level seven gymnast and I have had a mental block before and I am in one I got over it the first so I know I can get over this one. How do you get your back skills back faster?

  • Cate Alden December 12, 2020, 11:16 pm

    Lemon Head: thank you so much! I have been having this exact same problem. I had a meet today and because I was too scared I had to get scratched from vault. It made me more determined to get it back. I would have it one practice, then the next I couldn’t do it. My coach has been trying a bunch of drills but they don’t help. I will definitely recommend this to my coach. Thank you!

  • Hello January 20, 2021, 9:57 pm

    I have been having a mental block with doing my Ariel and I tried the things it said to do in the article but it doesn’t help. Does anyone have any tips?

    • jessie February 23, 2021, 12:21 pm

      It really helped me if I didn’t think about it, and if you are in a relaxed mindset, and maybe you are practising your jump out cartwheels on a springboard, just see if you could do an Ariel, even if that isn’t what it is called at that moment in your mind, that’s how I got mine. Hope this helps and isn’t too late!!

  • Gymnast123 February 15, 2021, 10:25 pm

    I have been having mental block problems with my series on beam and my yurchenko on vault and I have tried some of the things you listed but they don’t work. What else would you recommend to do? I’m really scared I’m going to fall and hurt myself.

  • Missoula Smith March 19, 2021, 12:03 am


    This helped me with getting my metal block over with my back handspring because I had my back handspring then I landed on my finger and got a metal block this helped me relax and I had a meet the next day after I read this and I got 9.998

  • Julia March 27, 2021, 12:03 am

    Hi I have had some problems on my back handspring on there beam ever since my hand slipped and I fell on my face, now I’m just not landing it anymore, and I just feel scared and I don’t feel confident doing it. Does someone have some tips for me.

  • Gymnast April 5, 2021, 12:44 pm

    I was having a lot of trouble with my aerial but I just got it. A drill that helps is getting on a panel mat and stand on 2 sliders. Do a cartwheel off of that mat and try to send the sliders flying towards the wall. This will help with your heel drive in the aerial which is why a lot of gymnasts can’t get their aerial. After that try your aerial on a trampoline. It took me many tries but one time I just forgot to put my hands down and that’s how I got my aerial. You can also try running into your aerial and hurdling onto a panel mat and doing the aerial off of that. Hope this helps 🙂

  • Kelly April 20, 2021, 10:12 pm

    I’ve been having a mental block on my round off backhand spring. I’m not afraid of the back tuck part after it but I won’t go for the backhand spring. ITS SO ANNOYING!!! I can do it on a 8 – incher by myself, and I will sometimes go for it with a spot on the floor, but I won’t do it by myself. Any tips?

  • lauren June 14, 2021, 1:32 pm

    oh my gosh I am really excited to try these steps tonight at gym because all the level 4s have to do this drill that freaks me out so much, it’s where you have to do a round off 2 backhandsprings but each backhandspring you have to go on and off two 8 inchers and I have a mental block for it, I hope these help me cause I know I can do it I just get scared. thank you so much
    I love your website.

  • lauren June 14, 2021, 1:34 pm

    I hope these help i am gonna try them out tonight at gym, wish me luck

  • Alexis August 20, 2021, 3:10 am

    I’m trying to get a backwalk over on beam but I can BEARLY do it with a spot on the low beam
    I can do it on the floor
    But I go up to beam I lean back and something just screams
    I can’t lean back anymore I don’t even see the bean behind me I have a spot I feel trapped
    Altho it sounds dramatic
    I feel like my hands are just gonna slip and I’m gonna fall on my face and die
    Please help

    • anna November 10, 2021, 1:09 am


  • anna November 10, 2021, 1:08 am

    i cant leave the bar in a flyaway
    I can do it but my mind doesn’t let meeeeee
    I hope these 5 things help me

  • emma February 21, 2022, 9:49 am

    help I have a meet this week and can’t do the roundoff back handspring!! I could do it before but now my mind said no and stops me!! help if I don’t do it I will get scratched!!

  • sadie April 3, 2022, 7:45 pm

    ahhh i neeeeeeed help w my back tuck off beam… i’m terrified that i’m going to hit my head on the end of the beam!! even with a spot, i barely jump back and then literally close my eyes and let them flip me. i can do a standing back tuck on tumbl trak easily and i know that if i didn’t have this mental block they could be good (i might not be able to do them by myself but they’d definitely be a lot better than they are now) so does anyone have advice???

  • Uriah April 16, 2022, 5:09 pm

    The gymnastics for. Kids

  • Anna April 30, 2022, 8:31 am

    I have been stuck on my backhand spring for ever! I had it on floor then all of a sudden I just lost it and now I am only confident enough to do it into pit. I hope these tips are going to help, I really need to get it back!

    • Sophie April 3, 2023, 10:03 pm

      That had happened to me too! Two days before competition I got my round off back handspring but then the next day at practice I couldn’t do it! I just kept practicing and working hard on it and now I can do it all the time

  • Harper Hastings May 4, 2022, 5:06 pm

    I need my round off back hand spring in may the week of the 23 2022 and my body freezes right before the backhand spring and I have video proof I can do it but I now can’t do it. AND I Literally was doing it when I was 3! I need help any tips?

    • Bella July 19, 2022, 5:54 pm

      I have been trying to do a cartwheel on the high beam and I have it on the low beam and I have done it on the high beam but I JUST CANT…so I really hope this helps. cant wait to try it out

  • Tori November 10, 2022, 11:33 pm

    I had my flyway to move to level 5, but I hurt myself really bad doing one. I hyper extended my elbows and now I’m scared to do it. I’m worried that one silly mistake, like letting go of the bar early and putting my arms in front of me, is going to ruin my whole career. Can you tell me how to get over that?

    • gymnasticshq November 12, 2022, 2:03 pm

      It can take a lot of hard work and building up your confidence. Be honest with your coaches so they can help you in the best way. Work on skills building up to it so you get more comfortable. Use the tips and tricks we share and remember, it takes time!

  • Aubrie January 18, 2023, 5:09 pm

    Estella Skolnik I’m not sure if you’ll see this; it’s pretty late and you probably got your walkover by now. But when I was struggling with my back walkover, I just did bridge kickovers, and each time I separated my feet a little more. Hope this helped!

  • Sophie April 3, 2023, 10:00 pm

    Thank you so much! I have always been able to do a shoot through on the bar but then a couple days ago, I was doing a squat on and hit my shin. The next day I went to do my shoot through and just couldn’t do it. Hope this helps!

  • Ella April 30, 2023, 6:09 pm

    I am still really scared to do… most things on beam. I am working on my back walkover because I need a connected acro in platinum and I am going to do handstand back walkover. Also, I need a B skill so my split jump has to make that requirement, I feel confident but as soon as it is time to do the skill, I panic and nothing helps, even when I do it once, and I know I can do it, I freak out

  • Leila May 11, 2023, 4:31 pm

    Hi, I’m a 10 year old level 5 and I’m having trouble with my back bend on the beam, I hope what your saying helps because I compete in 2 and a half months and if I don’t get it soon I don’t think I’m going to go to the competition.

  • Leila May 11, 2023, 4:35 pm

    Hi, I’m a 10 year old level 5 and I’m having trouble with my back bend on the beam, I hope what your saying helps because I compete in 2 and a half months and if I don’t get it soon I don’t think I’m going to go to the competition. I need some tips

  • Leila May 11, 2023, 4:36 pm

    Sorry my back walkover

  • back handspring July 11, 2023, 8:16 pm

    i have a huge mental block about jumping back in my back handspring any tips

  • Catie September 18, 2023, 3:56 am

    I have a mental block when doing a handstand into a bridge. I can do a handstand perfectly against the wall, but when I do it without my wall then I do it perfectly or go into a bridge! It’s so annoying! I tried doing it in an elbow handstand and I’m in process…definitely less scarier than doing one in a handstand. Who has the same problem as me?
    I know I can do it since I did it in Grade 3 but I can’t do it anymore since I stopped doing it! Any tips from people who have the same problem as me?

    • Stumpy September 21, 2023, 12:08 pm

      Just remember that there is the ground right below you, make sure to bend your legs to catch yourself and that it isn’t hard, you just have to do it!

  • Stumpy September 21, 2023, 12:07 pm

    I ended up quitting gymnastics due to so many mental blocks… I am planning to try it again and try these new techniques.

  • Stumpy September 21, 2023, 12:09 pm

    Just remember that there is the ground right below you, make sure to bend your legs to catch yourself and that it isn’t hard, you just have to do it!

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