What To Wear to Gymnastics When You Are On Your Period

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what to wear to gymnastics when you're on your period

Womanhood – it eventually happens to all of us females, but, what do you do when you’re a gymnast and having to wear leotards to practice and competitions?! We’ve searched around and are bringing you some of our best tips and recommendations!

Organic Pads/Tampons

what to wear to gymnastics while on your period

If your flow isn’t too heavy, using organic pads or tampons is an easy fix to your monthly visit from Aunt Flo. Since leotards are pretty tight and fitting, they will typically stay in place and/or do the trick during practice or a competition. We’ve found that the Cora brand has a lot of different options to choose from! There are also other options like a period cup that are great for use with physical activity and you won’t have to worry you’ll leak during practice or a competition. Always check with your parent to discuss what you’re ready to use for your period needs.

Period Panties

period panties for gymnasts

We wish these were around when we were young gymnasts! There are some great options, like Thinx, and there are so many options from the period underwear to period boy shorts. There are some great options for use in conjunction with organic pads/tampons or just on their own if your cycle is light or just at the start or end.

Black Shorts

You can always add an extra layer of protection to your organic pad, tampon, or period cup with some black shorts over your leotard. These can just be regular athletic shorts or even some of the previously mentioned options have sleepwear or activewear period shorts!

What about cramps?

If cramps are a big problem, it’s okay to take a break from gymnastics for a practice or two. We also suggest a heating pad like this one to help relieve cramps and pains from your cycle (this heating pad actually massages too!). Approximately 90% of females suffer from the aches/pains/cramps that can occur with your period. But as always, consult a doctor if you have a big issue with cramping, as severe, consistent cramps could be the sign of a health issue.

Q & A

We posted a story on Instagram the asking what questions our viewers have regarding their periods and gymnastics. Here are a couple of the questions and our responses!

Q: How should I prepare?

A: If you’re asking how to prepare for getting your period, we’d recommend having a prep bag. Just in case the time comes at a time when you’re out or at practice, you’ll be prepared. You can keep an extra leotard, shorts, pads, period panties and/or extra underwear. We’d also recommend talking to a parent to express your concerns. There are some great resources out there for explaining your body changes and what to expect and ways you can prepare yourself mentally for puberty and the changes your body is going through and we recommend discussing with your parents about checking some out!

Q: Should I wear a pad or a tampon or something else?

A: That’s going to be solely based on what you and your parents decide, how heavy your period starts out, etc. We’ve given some suggestions above, and think that the period panties and/or shorts with an organic pad is likely the option most young gymnasts and those just getting their period will start with.

Q: How do I not worry while I’m at practice? Is there anything that works, really works?

A: We know it’s definitely something that you will initially probably worry about. Again, we feel that the options above are really good options and in the research we’ve done, based on reviews and such, wearing a pad, tampon or period cup are the first line of defense while wearing period panties and/or shorts is the perfect second line of defense to ensure there is no leakage!

Q: What do you do if you can’t wear shorts over your comp leo when you are on your period?

A: In both the Development Program and the Xcel Program, black shorts with no embellishments (a small manufacturer’s logo is allowed) is allowed for competitions. So you’re in luck, this isn’t an issue! That way, you can wear the organic pad, tampon or period cup with period shorts under your leo and outside black shorts – you’ll definitely be covered that way!

Q: Why do gymnasts tend to get their period later rather than sooner?

A: Gymnasts as well as other elite athletes (athletes who train aggressively for several hours a week or on a regular basis) are more prone to experience athletic amenorrhoea, which is the absence of menstrual periods. This is likely due to the lower levels of body fat the athletes have (being in really good shape from training as an athlete) as well as the increase of exercise hormones which affect your period.

Hopefully this has covered some of your questions about what to do or wear when Aunt Flo comes for her monthly visit!

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7 comments… add one
  • Hi October 13, 2022, 5:29 pm

    Hi… wear can I get my activewear??? Btw, I’m not talking about leotards bc I’m not a gymnast I’m a contortionist, but I have been using your website for three years now and have found your tips helpful. Where can I find a good pair of leggings, sports bra and like an active friendly top??? Any brands? Thx

    • gymnasticshq October 14, 2022, 12:06 pm

      If you check out some of our other blog posts, particularly the gift guides, we do have a lot of clothing listed in there. There are tons of good brands for athletic leggings, sports bras and active friendly tops – Nike comes to mind as well as Fabletics.

  • J October 25, 2022, 11:19 am

    How can i get my mum to let me wear tampons as i think it will be a better option for my gymnastics training and comps

    • gymnasticshq November 12, 2022, 2:13 pm

      Talk to her about it and see what you both feel comfortable with and what would be best for you! Depending on how old you are, our initial recommendation would maybe be period panties and black shorts over comp leo or at practice.

  • Anonymous January 1, 2023, 12:50 pm

    When I personally am on my period on a gym day, this is what I do. If it is just a practice, I usually wear (under my leotard) a pair of period underwear from the company RubyLove (rubylove.com) and just a regular pad for extra protection, then to make me more comfortable, I usually wear a pair of Nike Pros or another regular pair of gym shorts. For a competition, it’s not that different. For a competition I wear a pair of period underwear from RubyLove that is high on the hip, in other words bikini style on their website. I also wear a pad for extra protection. My gym has a rule for no shorts to a competition, so I don’t wear shorts but most of the time throughout a competition, I wear leggings around the meet so I feel perfectly fine and comfortable. For cramps, Tylenol or Advil. To relieve cramps, Salonpas Pain Relieving Patches and BioFreeze or IcyHot (weirdly). I would also say heating pads too. Hope this helps!

    • person January 6, 2023, 7:46 pm

      noted thanks

    • person January 6, 2023, 7:47 pm

      cool I will definitely use these tips


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