Flexibility in Gymnastics

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Flexibility in Gymnastics

Gymnasts need to be flexibile and strong to succeed at gymnastics. Improving flexibility is one of the main ways that gymnasts can improve their gymnastics skills and it’s a great way to try to improve at home.

There is a lot more that goes into gymnastics flexibility than just stretching. Physical therapists and other experts continually do research on the best way for gymnasts to improve their flexibility.

30 day flexibility challenge thumbnail

flexibility in gymnastics

Hazel, a level 3 gymnast, showing off her flexibility–You can check her facebook page out here.

Disclaimer: We are not doctors and you should consult a physical therapist before starting any new flexibility regimen. We cannot be held responsible for any injuries. We are not sharing our own thoughts, but information we’ve learned from others and from reading research. 

Main Points for Flexibility in Gymnastics:

  • There are many components to improving your flexibility as a gymnast- static stretching, dynamic stretching along with soft tissue work.
  • Any flexibility move should be accompanied with a strength move for that part of the body.

What is Flexibility?

Now that we have that out of the way, what is flexibility? Flexibility is the range of motion you have in a joint or a group of joints. Being flexible in one joint doesn’t necessarily mean you will be flexible in another.

Why is Flexibility Important in Gymnastics?

So first, why is flexibility important in gymnastics?

Flexibility is important in gymnastics because without the right range of motion, gymnasts will be unable to learn how to do certain skills. They will also receive deductions when they cannot reach a certain position. As an example, when gymnasts do not perform split leaps at the angle required by their gymnastics level, they receive a deduction.

Different sports require flexibility at different places in the body. For gymnasts, hip and shoulder flexibility is important in order to do many skills. Hip flexibility is important for splits, jumps and leaps. Shoulder flexibility is important in order to do bridges, back handsprings and numerous other skills.

Another reason flexibility is important is that it is believed to reduce injuries. However, flexibility can be overdone.

How We are Made Affects Our Flexibility

The way our bones come together affects how much flexibility we will be able to achieve. Not all gymnasts are going to be able to do every skill because of how they are composed. So if a skill causes a gymnast pain, she should look for another skill that will get her the same credit and fill the requirement

One important takeaway when reading Dr. Tilley’s work is that we should always think about what kind of flexibility gymnasts need in order to perform the skills they are trying to learn. We should not just be trying to gain flexibility in order to impress others. Because in some cases, too much stretching can cause a loss of mobility. Also, never do a stretch that causes pain.

So, How Do Gymnasts Increase Flexibility?

Here are some methods that are currently believed to increase flexibility for gymnasts that we will discuss in more depth below:

  • Dynamic Stretching
  • Static Stretching
  • Self Massage with Foam Rollers
  • Breathing Exercises

Dynamic stretching is one of the most important ways of increasing flexibility for gymnasts, and it’s what we focus on in our SkillTrakker program.

Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretching is when you do stretches as part of a movement. An example of this would be a controlled lift of one leg, or controlled arm swings. The key to dynamic stretching is that you gently take your body to the end of its range of motion. Dynamic stretching is great for warming up because it is more similar to the motions that a gymnast will be performing later on in the workout. It also helps to get the body and muscles warm, since the gymnast is moving while performing the stretches.

We hesitate to mention what we’re about to tell you because we don’t want to encourage anyone to do flexibility moves with resistance. Dr. Tilley suggests that you should do any move assisted, then with gravity alone, before you add resistance.

There was a study done by Dr. Sands with elite gymnasts to try to increase their flexibility. (Because they are elite is why they used resistance.)  In the study, they began by measuring the degree of split of the gymnasts’ split leaps with video. Then the gymnasts began a training program where they used therabands to add resistance to the following moves:

  • Kicks forward
  • Kicks sideward
  • Kicks rearward
  • Straddle jumps
  • Split jumps

They slowly increased the amount of repetitions and sets. At the end of the study all of the gymnasts had improved their split leaps, jumps and kicks. We want to re-emphasize, this may not be appropriate for young gymnasts. However, it seems like doing a similar program without the resistance would still lead to improvement.

Drills for Improving your Flexibility as a Gymnast

  • Gravity Assisted Floor Angels: You can do these on the floor or against a wall. You want to extend your arms straight and then bend until your elbows are at a 90º angle. Extend back through to complete the range of motion. Do 10x.
  • Gravity Resisted Floor Angels: Flip over onto your stomach and you’ll do the same motion as the gravity assisted floor angels, but this time you’ll want to keep your arms raised and not touch the floor. Do 10x.
  • Stick Shoulder Stretch: Find something in your house that you can use as a “stick”. Rest your elbows at the edge of a couch or ottoman. Hold your stick and get into a rounded back position. You want your hands to be wider than your elbows and your head even with the couch/ottoman. You also want to make sure that our palms are facing your head. Hold the stretch for 1 minute.
  • Kick Complex: You’re going to do 10 alternating front kicks while walking forwards, then do 10 alternating side kicks while walking forwards and finally, do 10 alternating backward kicks while walking backwards. If this is too easy, complete the same drill while in high relevé.
  • Needle Kicks: You want to stretch tall, your back leg goes back, through and then step. Switch to the other side. Hinge by your hips and make sure that your arms are by your ears. Do 4 kicks each leg, repeat 4 sets.
  • Hamstring Leg Lowers: You will want to lay down on the couch or bed, with your bottom half off of the edge. You will keep one leg straight out while pulling your other leg straight up while holding onto your calf or ankle to get a good hamstring stretch. Hold for 20 seconds for 12x and then repeat on the other leg.

Beginner Flexibility Routine for Gymnasts

These flexibility motions will definitely help you improve!

  • Kick Complex: You’re going to do 10 alternating front kicks while walking forwards, then do 10 alternating side kicks while walking forwards and finally, do 10 alternating backward kicks while walking backwards. If this is too easy, complete the same drill while in high relevé.
  • Needle Kicks: You want to stretch tall, your back leg goes back, through and then step. Switch to the other side. Hinge by your hips and make sure that your arms are by your ears. Do 4 kicks each leg, repeat 4 sets.
  • Hip Lift with Kick: You will need to find somewhere to elevate your feet (a beam, stair, etc). You will lay down on your back with your feet up on the beam or stair. Lift your hips up so that your leg is a straight angle from your knees down to your hips. Make sure your legs are straight and kick your leg over your head then return back to the beam or step and release your bottom back to the ground. Repeat 15x each leg.
  • Hamstring Leg Lowers: You will want to lay down on the couch or bed, with your bottom half off of the edge. You will keep one leg straight out while pulling your other leg straight up while holding onto your calf or ankle to get a good hamstring stretch. Hold for 20 seconds for 12x and then repeat on the other leg.
  • Hip Flexor & Quad Stretch: Start with one knee on the ground and your other leg at a 90º angle at your knee. Lean forward so that you get a good stretch in your hips. Then, raise your back leg and hold at your ankle for the quad stretch. Hold for 20 seconds in the hip flexor stretch then lift your back leg up and hold for another 20 seconds for the quad stretch. Repeat on the other leg, completing 10 full sets with each leg.
  • U’s with Light Weights: Start by laying on the edge of a bed or couch. You’ll want to hold your weight on the side that is hanging off of the bed/couch. Raise your arm up towards the ceiling so that your elbow and shoulder are even with your elbow and hand at a 90º angle. Then rotate your hand up even with your elbow so you have a 90º angle between your shoulder/elbow and elbow/hand. Rotate your hand back down so that you’re at the position you were previously and then return to starting position. Do 5 on each arm.
  • Gravity Resisted Floor Angels: Flip over onto your stomach and you’ll do the same motion as the gravity assisted floor angels, but this time you’ll want to keep your arms raised and not touch the floor. Do 10x.
  • Gravity Assisted Floor Angels: You can do these on the floor or against a wall. You want to extend your arms straight and then bend until your elbows are at a 90º angle. Extend back through to complete the range of motion. Do 10x.
  • Gravity Resisted Floor Angels: Flip over onto your stomach and you’ll do the same motion as the gravity assisted floor angels, but this time you’ll want to keep your arms raised and not touch the floor. Do 10x.

Beginner Flexibility Drills

All of the drills we’ve listed can be modified for beginner or advanced gymnasts. Drills that are easier for beginners include:

  • Kick Comple
  • Gravity Assisted/Resisted Floor Angels
  • Hamstring Leg Lowers
  • Splits

Advanced Flexibility Drills

  • Stick Shoulder Stretch
  • Needle Kicks
  • U’s with Light Weights
  • Hip Lift with Kick

Static Stretching

Static stretching is when you get into a position and hold it without moving. An example of a static stretch is a split, since you sit still while you are in it. When performing static stretches you should only go as far as you can without pain. Static stretches are the least likely type of stretches to cause injury, and they are great for warming up and cooling down.

Let us reiterate again:

If a movement, or stretch, puts you in an uncomfortable position, you should not do it. 

Not every stretch is meant for every person.

Benefits of Static Stretching

There are some benefits of static stretching:

  • can help you maintain or increase your range of motion
  • can increase muscle tone
  • helps you warm up before a workout
  • can relieve stress
  • helps you relax
  • may help to prevent injuries

There is conflicting information about how long you should hold a static stretch, but this article from MIT suggests that children should be holding stretches for about 7-10 seconds.

self massage foam rollers gymnastics


One thing that Dr. Tilley believes is very important is self-massage with a foam roller. He has his gymnasts come in 10 minutes before practice and foam roll head to toe. Current research believes this self-massage may increase flexibility after being done for 2 weeks. It is also believed that it helps relieve muscle soreness. So gymnasts can foam roll their sore muscles after a workout to try to ease their soreness for the next day.

Foam Rollersfoam roll gymnastics

Basic Foam Roller– Beginners should start with a basic foam roller.

Foam Roller with Bumps– A foam roller with bumps is for those who have already mastered self-massage with the basic foam roller.

What Muscles to Foam Roll

So, what muscles should you foam roll?

You can foam roll your:

  • Hamstrings (behind your thighs)
  • Quads (front of your thighs)
  • Lats (underneath your arm)
  • Groin (right at your hip, between your hip and the front of your thighs)
  • Calves

Do not foam roll your lower back. (We’ve read conflicting information on this, but just don’t do it.)

How to Use the Foam Roller

To use the foam roller, put the foam roller on the floor and put the body part you are trying to foam roll on top of it. Slowly use your body to roll back and forth on top of it. Doing it slowly will cause more blood to flow to those muscles.

Breathing Exercises

In order to get the maximum benefit from stretching, you must control your breathing. According to information from MIT, you should be taking slow, relaxed breaths while you are stretching. You should inhale in through your nose while expanding your belly not your chest, hold the breath in a moment and then exhale slowly through the nose or mouth. Ideally, you want to be exhaling during the most intense part of the stretch.

Practice these breathing exercises before you stretch so that you can execute them while you are stretching.

Drink More Water

Some suggest that increasing the amount of water you drink a day will lead your body to be more relaxed, and therefore increase your mobility or your flexibility. We felt it important to mention this factor that might help you increase your flexibility because it’s something you can do that can’t hurt! It’s important to stay hydrated anyways, so you might as well make sure you drink your recommended water intake per day.


improve split gymnastics

How does this help me improve my splits?

Well, if you want to learn your splits so that you can do a split, be patient. Stretch only to the point of mild discomfort, and with weeks of consistent stretching you should begin to see improvement.

You can also reference this MIT Working Towards the Splits page for information on stretches they suggest.

If you want to improve your splits so that you can kick higher, or perform a leap with a bigger split, know that kicking higher requires dynamic flexibility. So the moves you should be practicing are dynamic stretches, like lifting one leg at a time as high as you can. Gradually you should improve.


In conclusion, we think it’s important to be aware of what stretches you are doing in order to get the flexibility you need to perform the skills you are trying to learn. And also, it’s important to have patience when trying to improve your flexibility.


How to increase flexibility in gymnastics

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28 comments… add one
  • Nicki November 10, 2016, 8:36 pm

    This was helpful. I have one question though. Could you learn to do oversplits with this technique? Yes or No?

    • January 15, 2018, 10:37 am


      • pro gymnast February 19, 2022, 2:30 pm

        oversplits are ez

  • Lola March 15, 2017, 4:49 pm

    This helps but is there any simpler way

  • Hal May 5, 2017, 8:10 pm

    This was helpful, but is there an exercise that will stretch all muscles at once?

  • Luckson Mupakamiso October 27, 2017, 4:46 am

    the above mentioned nuggets improved my stretching greatly….

  • oarjp November 15, 2017, 7:10 am

    I tried this and I tore my hamstring, oww. 🙁

    • Sara June 7, 2018, 11:55 am

      If this is true, you probably weren’t using the cautions provided, and stretched to where you were feeling extreme discomfort.

      • Makenzie Marie May 12, 2021, 11:29 am

        Yeah, make sure when you try these things work gently. Don’t push yourself too hard. Work slowly. If you work fast sometimes you injure yourself. I am flexible but it takes awhile!

  • Hi October 9, 2018, 12:36 pm

    These tips do work! However, it is extremely important to follow the safety guidelines! I am a gymnast and I know from experience that over stretching only causes injuries! Also theses tips will not work over night! You have to give them time. Probably a minimum of 2 weeks at least.

  • Anna January 22, 2019, 10:03 am

    I can do my splits but it isn’t very comfortable, any tips?

    • Amanda July 21, 2020, 11:50 am

      Just keep practicing your splits: I knoz fro, experience:

      • Anna May 11, 2021, 6:23 pm

        Same just have to keep on practicing. Good luck!

  • Vell May 8, 2019, 10:55 pm

    Hi, I’ve been doing middle split stretching for a while without experiencing pain and one day I just got this pain behind my knees that prevented me from going into my splits. I have reached really far in my splits and this is really ruining my progression. What can I do?

  • John Lewis November 12, 2019, 2:49 pm

    So I recently entered the world of gymnastics when I started coaching almost 2 months ago. LOVING IT. Question: What do science and studies show about GUYS sand flexibility? Should guys abandon all hope of ever achieving a quality backbend, front split, or middle split? I’m 21 years old and generally pretty fit. I’m an optimistic and I’m increasingly passionate about gymnastics. I know it’s not necessary as a coach, but for my gymnasts and for myself I want to go through the experience of being a successful (personal success) gymnast. Am I wasting my time hoping to eventually be able to do backwalkovers and other skills that require such full-body range of motion, or is there hope for me yet? Thank you for your post! This will definitely help inform me for coaching my gymnasts. (Also, Dave Tilley’s GREAT).

    • Ct November 3, 2020, 12:36 pm

      I am the most flexible of my Xcel team. But, keep it working! I started from nothing too! Never give up


    • anonymous April 24, 2021, 9:29 am

      No boys just sometimes start a little later in life than girls to really work towards flexibility and can struggle a little bit more than girls

  • Rosie Baker August 6, 2020, 10:19 pm

    Why gymnast can not use shorts at the meets, and where can we start a petition to chance that rule?

    • Ct November 3, 2020, 12:34 pm


    • conrad January 20, 2021, 2:21 pm

      gymnast dont wear shorts at meets so judges can tell you you legs are tight and the degree of your leg speration. some people think its weird but its not its just somthing that you have to do you are fully covered so you dont need to feel akward

  • Zahniyah November 30, 2020, 7:11 pm

    So if we do classes will y’all help us get flexible

  • Chloe December 8, 2020, 10:27 pm

    I am a gymnast so I do it every morning.

  • Kara January 4, 2021, 4:43 am

    I started Gymnastics in March 2020 and I am doing trails for Competition team in 19 days
    I am really excited

  • Blair McKenzie April 13, 2021, 5:08 am

    Thank you for this one! It’s really insightful. I now know that thanks to this article and this website (https://www.eppingerfitness.com/) that I should be more flexible and practice my flexibility skills soon as well.

  • Anna May 11, 2021, 6:23 pm

    Same just have to keep on practicing. Good luck!

  • Anonymous January 1, 2023, 12:57 pm


    Make sure BEFORE attempting to do these stretches all the way down, you take the CORRECT PRECAUTIONS to avoid pulling a muscle. Also don’t push yourself to go all the way down on your splits the first time, it can take many days, months, or even years even if you are flexible or a gymnast.

    Thank you! Hope this helps!

  • precious March 25, 2023, 7:02 am

    I don’t get my middle splits does this work because I drink a lot of water everyday

  • anonymous 2 March 25, 2023, 7:11 am

    I don’t get my middle splits does this work because I drink a lot of water everyday


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