How to Do a Back Handspring: The Best Drills and Exercises to Help You Learn

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A back handspring is a  gymnastics skill that is a big milestone in a gymnast’s progression. We are going to go through the muscles you need to learn a back handspring, the best drills for a back handspring, and step by step how to do one.

A back handspring is a hard skill to learn because it’s unlike anything most gymnasts have done before. And since a back handspring requires a gymnast to push and jump backwards it can also create mental blocks . While it can be a hard skill to learn, it’s very exciting and fun when you finally master your back handspring.

Check out our new 30 Day Back Handspring Workout Challenge:

30 day back handspring workout

How to Do a Back Handspring: Tips, Drills, Exercises and More to Help you Learn

How to Do a Back Handspring Step by Step

*Please note: You should only be attempting a back handspring with proper spotting from an adult. Do NOT attempt a back handspring on your own or you could risk serious injury or death. 

1. Sit, Lean, Push

Bend your legs to almost a 90 degree angle, lean backwards and push hard off the ground with your legs.

How to do a back handspring step by step

2. Tight Arch

Jump backwards in a tight arch position with your eyes on your hands.

How to do a back handspring step by step

3. Tight arch handstand

Push through your shoulders and hands off the floor.

How to do a back handspring step by step

4. Tight hollow position

When you are in the tight hollow body position, you have pushed off your hands and you are in the air with your arms by your ears and your legs squeezed together.

How to do a back handspring step by step

5. Landing

Then your legs come down fast to maintain the momentum you have in your back handspring, especially if it’s part of a connection. If you are doing a standing back handspring you want to land with your feet directly under your hips. If you are doing a back handspring in a connection, you want to land with your feet in front of your hips.

How to do a back handspring step by step

Back Handspring Prep Workout

This back handspring prep workout incudes top drills to strengthen the muscles you need for a back handspring. It also includes drills to help you gain the flexibility you need to learn a back handspring.

The Muscles & Flexibility You Need for a Back Handspring

You need shoulder and back flexibility to do a perfect back handspring. You need strong legs to push off the floor in the beginning of a back handspring, a strong core to bring your legs over your head fast to get the momentum you need, and strong arms to block off the floor and help you snap down to your feet.

Drills Included in GymnasticsHQ’s Back Handspring Prep Workout

Make sure you have downloaded the 30 Day Back Handspring Challenge at the top of this article to track your progress!

  • Gravity Assisted Floor Angels: You can do these on the floor or against a wall. You want to extend your arms straight and then bend until your elbows are at a 90º angle. Extend back through to complete the range of motion. Do 12x.
  • Gravity Resisted Floor Angels: Flip over onto your stomach and you’ll do the same motion as the gravity assisted floor angels, but this time you’ll want to keep your arms raised and not touch the floor. Do 12x.
  • U’s with Light Weights: Start by laying on the edge of a bed or couch. You’ll want to hold your weight on the side that is hanging off of the bed/couch. Raise your arm up towards the ceiling so that your elbow and shoulder are even with your elbow and hand at a 90º angle. Then rotate your hand up even with your elbow so you have a 90º angle between your shoulder/elbow and elbow/hand. Rotate your hand back down so that you’re at the position you were previously and then return to starting position. Do 2 sets of 10 on each arm.
  • Squats: Begin with your legs shoulder width apart, squat down as far as you can making sure that your knees stay behind your toes. Your toes will be facing forward and you want most of your weight to be in your heels. Do 10x.
  • Squat Jumps: You’re going to complete the squat and then jump as you stand up going back into the next squat. Do 10x.
  • Sumo Squats: Start with your legs wider than shoulder width apart and your toes will be pointed outwards. You still want to make sure that your knees do not pass your toes while you’re squatting down. Do 10x.
  • High Plank Hold: Start in a high plank making sure that your legs are straight, your back is straight and you don’t have a droopy belly. Make sure to keep your head in neutral position. Do 3 sets of 30 seconds.
  • Elbow Plank Hold: This is the same positioning as the high plank hold, except instead of on your hands, you are on your elbows. Do 3 sets of 30 seconds.
  • Lying Leg Raises: Lay down flat on the ground making sure you are in a straight body position. Make sure your legs are straight, arms above your head. Raise your legs up to a 90º angle making sure that your toes are pointed and try to get your lower back on the floor, pushing through your belly button and abdomen to the floor. Do 15x.
  • Spider-Man Handstands: You want to try to use the wall to get into a straight body position with your legs together, arms and legs straight and toes pointed. Do 30 seconds x 2 sets.
  • Bridge: Do a bridge. Try to get your shoulders over your hands. If it’s too easy, put your legs together and push them straight. Do 10 seconds x 2 sets.



Top Drills for Learning a Back Handspring

Back Handspring Drills You Should Be Able to Do at The Gym

These are back handspring drills you should be able to do before you attempt to do a back handspring with a spot. These are drills you need to do at a gym because they require equipment, mats and a spot.

gymnastics handstand snap down on mat

  • Handstand Snap-Down Drill:  The handstand snap down drill is the second half of the back handspring. Do a handstand on a mat, and then bring your feet down fast to land with your chest up. The goal is to push through your shoulders, wrist and fingers and get your chest up fast.

sit lean push back onto mat drill

  • Sit, Fall, Push onto Mat Stack:  The push-backs drill is the second part of the back handspring. The goal is to explode backwards to a tight body position on a mat stack by pushing through your legs. One of the main reasons for the drill is to get comfortable with the feeling of sitting and leaning back. The other point is to learn to push hard through your legs.
  • Back handspring over the Barrel:  The goal of the back handspring over the barrel drill is to help you learn the mechanics of the back handspring. It’s to help the gymnast practice the steps — sit, lean, push back through the legs onto your hands in a handstand position, and then snap your legs down to a stand.
  • Back handspring on the Trampoline:  You should be able to do a back handspring in a tight body position well on the trampoline before moving it to the floor.

I’ve embedded a video that has excellent back handspring drills below. Do not attempt any of the drills in this video that require a spot, or those for which you don’t have the proper equipment.

Back Handspring Drills you can do at Home:

These are back handspring drills you can do at home to help improve the skills you need for a back handspring.

handstand against wall

  • Handstand Against the Wall:  In order to be able to do a good back handspring, you should be able to hold a handstand against the wall in a tight body position, with arms and legs straight and tight and your bottom squeezed, for at least a minute.


  • Bridges:  You can practice bridges at home. Make sure you push back through your arms and shoulders and try to get your legs straight in the bridge. You should be feel the stretch in your shoulders. You need shoulder flexibility for a back handspring.

Once you have strengthened the muscles you need for a back handspring, and learned how to do the back handspring drills above, then you can start trying to do a back handspring with a spot. Do not attempt a back handspring by yourself without a spot. You need to be in a gym with a trained coach. They can spot your back handsprings, until they are comfortable with you being able to do them by yourself.

Tips for Learning a Perfect Back Handspring

  • Push Hard Off The Ground with your Legs : You need to have strong leg muscles to get a good push off the ground with your legs.
  • Block Hard off the Ground with your Arms : As soon as your arms hit the ground you should be blocking with your shoulders and arms off the ground. You want to spend as little time on the ground as possible to keep your momentum going.
  • Snap your Legs Down Fast : You want your legs to snap from being in a tight arch to a tight hollow as they go over your head.

Here are some of the tools and gymnastics equipment mentioned above that help you learn how to do a back handspring.

Tools for Learning a Back Handspring



Pull-Up Bar

how to tools pull up bar

A Pull-Up bar is useful for some of the strength exercises listed above. You can also use a pull-up bar to do a couple of the drills in the video. $9.98

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how to tools barrel

A barrel is a helpful tool for making sure your gymnast is pushing off the ground in her roundoff, by doing the roundoff over a barrel drill. Price shown for a 24″x24″x30″ barrel. $367.21

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how to tools block

A block is used in the video, and it can also be used for the handstand snap-down drill mentioned above. $269.00

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how to kip tools theraband

Exercise bands can be used for many strength exercises, and are also used for some drills in the video. $14.99

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Back Handspring How-To Video

how to tools video

This Back Handspring tutorial video is by Dominique Moceanu, an Olympic Gold medalist. You can download the video to watch immediately. FREE

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Panel Mat

how to bridge kickover tools panel mat

A folded up panel mat can be used for the handstand snap-down drill. $333.44

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8 Inch Mat

how to tools 8 inch mat

An 8-inch mat is shown in the video for some of the back handspring drills. You should always learn new gymnastics skills on mats before attempting them on the floor.



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Back Handspring Progression

Here is the usual progression of skills you learn leading up to a back handspring.

  1. Handstand – You should first learn a perfect straight body position handstand.
  2. Bridge – You need to be able to do a bridge well, and be able to push through your shoulders. Shoulder flexibility is important for a back handspring.
  3. Bridge Kickover– Before you learn a back walkover, you learn a bridge kickover. From a bridge, you will push through your shoulders to kick your legs over your head.
  4. Back Walkover – A back walkover is a similar skill (without flight) that gymnasts usually learn before learning a back handspring. You need back and shoulder flexibility for a back walkover, just like you do for a back handspring.
  5. Back Handspring Over a Barrel – You usually learn to do a back handspring over a barrel before learning it on a trampoline.
  6. Back Handspring on the Trampoline – The trampoline is an ideal spot to learn a back handspring, because the spring of the trampoline will give you some help!
  7. Back Handspring on Floor- If you have mastered a back handspring on trampoline, then you are ready to take your back handspring to the floor (with a coach spotting you of course!)

gymnastics skill checklist


We’ve listed the steps you need to take and drills you need to be able to do in order to learn a back handspring. But it is still a hard skill and will take time to learn. You will need to do it many times with a spot, before you attempt it by yourself. Once you have learned your back handspring, though, we know you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and it will be worth it! Good Luck 🙂



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170 comments… add one
  • gymnastics December 4, 2016, 6:14 pm

    Sooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!

    • Anyomous December 5, 2016, 8:15 pm

      I dont know if you want any tips but if you need some here are some tips that I used to get mine:
      1. Get a spot, I know you have probably been told before but it is helpful!
      2. Do it over/ onto pillows! If you get it, slowly take away the pillows until you are comfortable doing completly on your own!
      3. YouTube. If all else fails, YouTube will always be waiting for you

      Hope this helped!

      • Death magnet December 4, 2017, 1:09 pm

        Oh this is rubbish
        But yours did work

        • Sophia January 24, 2023, 6:06 pm

          This wasn’t rwallly that helpful but I got my tuck back handspring tuck tuck

        • Levi April 14, 2023, 5:03 pm

          Been doing back handsprings for some time now but they’re all crappy, can’t wait to try out the exercises

          • Ellie April 12, 2024, 9:16 am

            Damn that so real bruh cant wait to try them eathier

  • annonomous December 29, 2016, 1:52 pm

    I have been trying to get a backhandspring for about two years now i did one while i was practising about a week ago but even though i know i can do one im still to scared to do it again has anyone got any tips

    • Isa December 30, 2016, 2:16 am

      Sometimes it’s just about facing your fears headfirst and doing it. Let me tell you, I started gymnastics a few months ago and recently I was taught how to do a dive roll. I was absolutely mortified, I was so scared of cracking my neck and dying that my own fear stood in my way and the way of my progress! A few minutes later I told my coach that I would do it (I was super motivated :p ) and he told me that it was really good but I didn’t jump at all… The more I worked on it, the better I got! So, moral of the story, don’t let fear stand in the way of you and your progress and after all, the coach is there to help you! (If you don’t have an instructor/coach, find a friend that can spot you)

      • Anonymous April 4, 2022, 12:14 am

        This has not helped at all!
        Also at the very start it just says SHE and u wanted to point out that both girls AND boys can learn to do back hand springs

    • Isa December 30, 2016, 2:17 am

      Sometimes it’s just about facing your fears headfirst and doing it. Let me tell you, I started gymnastics a few months ago and recently I was taught how to do a dive roll. I was absolutely mortified, I was so scared of cracking my neck and dying that my own fear stood in my way and the way of my progress! A few minutes later I told my coach that I would do it (I was super motivated :p ) and he told me that it was really good but I didn’t jump at all… The more I worked on it, the better I got! So, moral of the story, don’t let fear stand in the way of you and your progress and after all, the coach is there to help you! (If you don’t have an instructor/coach, find a friend that can spot you) Good luck!!

    • Mckain June 29, 2017, 12:16 am

      Hey! I know the feeling.
      I’m 11 and I recently started Teaching my self gymnastics.

      I’m scared of going into a back bend on one foot, but you just have to reassure yourself and DO IT! You can scream if you’d like, that helped me get my front walkover while I was afraid of it.

      Hope I helped!

      • Sav March 17, 2019, 3:06 pm

        Hey all,
        I am a self taught gymnast, or at least I try to. I never realized how much fun gymnastics was until I realized what I was missing. Sometimes I face struggles, and mental blocks, but if you try hard enough you will eventually be able to accomplish a skill. I know that it took me about 3 months just to get a decent front flip, but now I can do one without even thinking. As of right now, I am working towards a back handspring. I know I can do it, but the pressure of going backwards always gets in my head, but thanks to everyone’s tips I think I will be able to go backwards and get my back handspring!!! For everyone else trying, just keep working towards it!!!!

        • Anonymous April 27, 2023, 9:01 pm

          don’t worry. Keep practicing. Practicing side handstands and handstands will help with your cartwheel. Hip stretches will too. Just practice the movements and practice kicking up into it a little bit. Eventually you will get it. Hope this helps you!

          • Angela July 17, 2023, 7:52 am

            My 9 year old used the tips you gave and can now do a back handspring and back tuck. She started gymnastics this year.

      • Piggy donut January 20, 2021, 7:44 pm

        Help! I can’t do it I try try try I can even to a cartwheel I feel like a baby

        • Rainy February 22, 2021, 11:17 pm

          Hey! Here are some tips to help me, I’m a gymnast and I’ve been doing gymnastics for about a year now and I’m already on pre-team!

          . Try a trampoline park, I did a couple back-handsprings there!
          . Get a spotter, someone you can trust!
          . Try a couple back bends if you can!
          . Use either pillows or a mattress if needed!

        • Audrey April 30, 2021, 2:39 pm

          Hey its ok we all feel like this when we try to learn something new. My sister was in gymnastics for about 3 years and it took her a long time to get her back handspring down. Maybe try practicing on a gymnastics mat or a trampoline. Also make sure you stretch as much as you can but most of all you need to stretch out your legs. Make sure while you are learning this you keep your arms and legs straight and not bending them!

        • Hey! September 2, 2021, 11:00 pm

          You totally got this! I’ve been doing gymnastics for fun for almost 7 years and this sport is full of facing your fears! What I’ve learned to do, it to wait until I know I can handle the skill physically. If I’m not confident that I can, then I don’t do it and I wait until next time. I know first hand that there won’t always be a next time, but don’t try something that you aren’t confident in. If you don’t feel confident (I know this is not what you want to hear, but trust me, it helps way more than you know), do more conditioning. You got this! I believe in YOU!!! <3 God's got you!

        • Zoe May 1, 2023, 2:10 pm

          Well here’s some tips:
          get your back walkover
          then try it on the trampoline
          then last try on floor ( with spot and mats)

    • Gymnastics, Cheer, Dance July 13, 2017, 1:55 pm

      Hey so everyone is scared when they are learning a skill like this. That is part of how we are made. IF you aren’t scared, you aren’t human. If you don’t have anyone to spot you, go to a drop in gymnastics class/clinic where there are trained coaches that will give you a spot. Part of not getting hurt when you do this is you have to go for it 100%. my sister didnt go for it and she hurt her back. she landed in an arch. So basically if you are going to do it, do it the right way and don’t chicken out. GOOD LUCK!!!! youve totally got this and you will get it sooner or later so dont stress it.

    • Acrobat#1 August 14, 2017, 11:03 am

      How tall are you? If you are short you have a better advantage at a back handspring and you get over your fears easier… I am 11 years old and 4’4″ so I would have an advantage.

      • me September 20, 2018, 2:16 am

        im 4’6 and im 9

        • Sky Fall May 6, 2019, 12:41 am

          I’m 4’5 and 10

          • Laura February 2, 2022, 9:40 pm

            I am 4’7 and I am 11

          • Ellie April 12, 2024, 9:17 am

            same Laura I’m 11 and I’m 4’8 tho

      • alea December 16, 2019, 7:09 pm

        im 13 and 5 feet

        • Manakoa gymnast April 21, 2021, 5:08 pm

          I’m 13 and i’m 4′ 8″

      • Julia December 30, 2019, 3:56 pm

        I’m 12 and I’m 4’11 , I am so scared of doing a back handspring don’t know what to do

        • Melokuhle May 21, 2020, 10:36 am

          I love the guides that they gave me

      • Reni April 2, 2020, 1:24 pm

        I am 11 and 5’1″…you are tiny

      • Reni April 2, 2020, 1:32 pm

        I am 11 and 5’1″

      • samantha February 2, 2021, 6:48 pm

        im 5’6 and 13 ive been practicing on my mattress for two days and almost have it i

      • Skyler March 12, 2021, 4:46 pm

        Im 12 and 4,11

      • chevey 2 June 22, 2021, 2:07 am

        im 11 and im 4’9

      • Nadia August 8, 2021, 12:24 am

        I am 5’2 and I will be 11 in 1 month.

      • No one December 27, 2021, 6:38 pm

        Yes! Same! But it still does not help the fact that I am terrified of doing the back handspring, yet I take classes.

      • Anonymous February 11, 2023, 9:55 am

        I am 11 and 5’5″

        • Hi February 11, 2023, 5:30 pm

          I am 11 and 5’8

        • Levi April 14, 2023, 5:05 pm

          Been doing back handsprings for some time now but they’re all crappy, can’t wait to try out the exercises

      • Emma March 15, 2023, 4:30 pm

        Hi I’m 5,2 and I’m 11 so it’s kinda hard

    • jj August 26, 2017, 7:41 pm

      i see why you are having problems and it can just be about facing your fears. for example, when i was young i did a backflip and almost broke my neck. i was traumatized for a while and never even thought about attempting one again. 6 years later and i don’t even need a trampoline to do a backflip!! it’s all about confidence and if you have confidence in yourself then you can do whatever you put your mind to!! best of luck <3

    • bree August 27, 2017, 4:31 pm

      just comite or have a spot do less every time

    • Audrey Whitehouse September 2, 2017, 4:08 am

      So my friend has been wanting her back handspring for a while now and today at practice I just told her to throw it no matter what. Guess what? She got it. She bent her arms and her feet were apart but she got over her mental block!!! Just go for it!!! Good luck

    • Anna October 6, 2017, 6:53 am

      You have to fail to not be scared! I only just got my back walkover last night and I’d been working on it for years but was too scared to actually do so, until I failed last night, well I didn’t fail at back walkover but at backbend kickover. When I was going into backbend (legs apart) I fell on my hands and they bent, and it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would so I tried full back walkover and did it because I wasn’t scared about falling because of standing on one leg!!!

      • Death magnet December 4, 2017, 1:10 pm

        I can’t do it

        • Ellie April 12, 2024, 9:19 am

          You can always try no matter what though never give up please because with that attitude you cant your right but if you keep trying and you say you cant do it at least use the power of YET say I cant do it YET

    • Anna October 6, 2017, 6:55 am

      You have to fail to not be scared! I only just got my back walkover last night and I’d been working on it for years but was too scared to actually do so, until I failed last night, well I didn’t fail at back walkover but at backbend kickover. When I was going into backbend (legs apart) I fell on my hands and they bent, and it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would so I tried full back walkover and did it because I wasn’t scared about falling because of standing on one leg!!!!

    • me June 25, 2018, 3:40 pm

      Hey what I find very helpful is just to fall backwards like on a mat of course or if you don’t have a mat a mattress but like flat on the ground. If that doesn’t work I’ve found that if you trust God thatt he will help you.

      • hey September 2, 2021, 10:59 pm

        so true! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve prayed before practice and individual skills! It’s amazing when He gives you the confidence and peace to do stuff you never thought you could ever do! (and that’s not just in gymnastics!)

    • Marine November 7, 2020, 11:50 am

      Wow thats a long time of learning your backhand spring. I just learned mine during the summer by my self. (not trying to brag)

    • Ava June 24, 2021, 7:54 pm

      It helps if you have a spoter and to try on a Bed

    • Emma November 18, 2021, 12:34 am

      I have an amazing tip for you. You see I am nine years old and I’m trying to et my back handspring. I watched a helpful tutorial by lyds Vyds and a helpful strategy is to keep your back aligned with your hips in the prep. Do not lean forward because then you won’t get onto your hands. When you do your back handspring, think of jumping onto your hands and going back on your feet. Also, make sure you have a solid back walkover and a nice back limber. Hope this helps!!

      -Emma Roxanne Atama

    • Lizzie February 17, 2024, 11:32 pm

      I am learning my back handspring and I have been mortified to the core about doing it since I have recently been progressing to the tumble track my teammates who are scaird too have been asking me how I am doing it and I have been telling them and stand by it that I know my body knows what to do, so just let your body do what it knows to do! Even if you feel like you are going to throw up from fear, you know that you know what to do. Sooooooooooooooooo, just throw it. BTW always keep your arms to your ears, it saved me from breaking my neck when I was learning my back handspring on the cheese mat.

  • Annonomous January 6, 2017, 6:16 pm

    Thanks I asked my coach to spot me now I can always do it

  • Anonymous January 20, 2017, 1:18 pm

    I am super scared! Plz help!

    • kry July 9, 2017, 11:53 am

      when I push from the ground and into the bhs my arms just become weak even though iknow i have the strength

  • Gymnast for life January 21, 2017, 9:58 am

    Will this be good for a report?

  • Gymnast for life January 21, 2017, 9:59 am

    Will this be good for a school report?

  • Annie February 3, 2017, 10:11 pm

    I wish i had a back handspring

    • Gymnastics, Cheer, Dance July 13, 2017, 1:56 pm

      You do now right?

  • Gymnast February 10, 2017, 2:55 pm

    How strong do you need to be to get your back handspring? Like how many push ups do you need to be able to do to be able to do a back handspring? How many tuck ups, sit ups, etc.

    • gymnasticshq April 10, 2017, 11:32 am

      Every gymnast is different! So I would say just try to get as strong as possible 🙂

      • arsh zain June 15, 2017, 11:11 pm

        You are very beautiful so sweet i l u this

  • Emily April 5, 2017, 10:51 pm

    Can you do a how-to on back tucks?

    • gymnasticshq April 10, 2017, 11:32 am

      I will add it to my list!

  • Laila April 11, 2017, 5:23 pm

    I have spoke to many people about this and you are my last chance!!! Okay so let’s begin about a week ago when I got my back handspring!!! First I did some backwalkovers and then I swung into my backwalkover and then I moved my feet and did a back handspring I did that for an hour and a half and then I went in for my dinner and I come back out again 3 hours after I did my back handspring and my body wouldn’t allow me to do it!!! I kept swinging but I kept falling onto my back and then I had to do the backwalkover swingy thing again and I got it then I go to bed wake up and I’m scared!!! LITERALLY!!! My body wouldn’t allow me to even backwalkover so I just gave up and three days after I went on my trampoline and I did the backwalkover thingy AGAIN and I got it and next day I went to tumbling class I get supported on my back handspring on trampoline and I get shadowed and I did it but after I had I drink I couldn’t do it again!!! I had to get my coach to spot me and I did it and someone took a video of me and he wasn’t even spotting me!!! I kept doing it on my own until I went home and went to go on my trampoline on the next morning and then I couldn’t do it I had to do the backwalkover thingy again!!! And I go in to get my phone come back out and I forget it and have to do the backwalkover thingy!!! Also the backwalkover thingy takes about an hour to do so the main point I need help with is that I have only a couple of days to get it and I will be moved up to level 2 but if I don’t get it I will have to quit because I’m too old for level 1!!! And I can’t keep doing this backwalkover thingy or keep getting spotted by my coach because at comps I can’t do that!!! PLEASE help!!!!

    • bri May 18, 2017, 2:43 pm

      lailia i got my backhandspring a year ago and i had your same problem what i did was just jump back on my bed until i got the hang of gong back.

    • bri May 18, 2017, 2:44 pm

      lailia, i got my backhandspring a year ago and i had your same problem what i did was just jump back on my bed until i got the hang of gong back.

      • Reni April 2, 2020, 1:34 pm

        You dont need a backhandspring in Level 2 but you do in Level 3

        • Xcel gold gymnast January 18, 2021, 9:20 am

          I am level xcel gold and I have my back handspring I don’t do xcel gold becase I have lots of hobby’s I do it cause my coach told me after dimond I can go to level 8 and I just find 5 years instead of 8 to go to level 8 is a lot easier.Anyways getting your back hand spring may be hard I have some tips for you
          1.get a backbend kickover
          2.get. A back walkover
 your back walkover push off your hands
          4.try back walkover push off on trampoline
          5.back handspring on trampoline
          TIP:back handspring is bacicly a back walkover with feet together
          Also can you make a back tuck totoraal
          And a front walkover one too

    • Gymnast January 28, 2023, 4:54 pm

      Hi, I got my round off back handspring 2 days before my comp(which is in my routine) and the next day at practice the day before my comp, I couldn’t do it! Now when ever we go on rod floor at practice I can do it but my coach need to spot me a couple times or stand there. Another day at practice I got it on the floor, the next practice, I can’t do it! Please help me!!

      • Gymnast January 28, 2023, 5:08 pm

        And now I have another comp. In 2 1/2 weeks! I still can’t do it! Anyone have advice??

        • Cambri goodvile June 1, 2023, 1:35 pm

          try it on a tramp first, Then try doing it with a cloud mat and a spot, Then do it just with a spot,then GO FOR IT on a cloud mat !

  • Gymnast April 17, 2017, 8:59 pm

    I am able to do a back handspring on a trampoline by myself and on the floor with a spot but I keep undercutting and when I bend about to jump my knees go over my toes. How do I fix this problem and do you know any drills for that?

    • KC July 16, 2020, 2:16 pm

      I don’t know if you still have that problem but try sitting more in the jump. You can practice swinging your arms and sitting leaning against the wall or a chair.

  • Victoria April 26, 2017, 6:37 am

    I did 4 backhandsprings at practice Last week, but yesterday I couldn’t do anymore. I’m not afraid of jumping back, but my legs keep splitting like a back walkover, so my back handspring look more like I jumped into a back walkover. Someone please tell me how to keep my legs together!!

    • Simply✨Southern April 28, 2017, 9:07 am

      If you take a scrunchie or headband and put it around your ankles, then try to do your backhandspring, it should keep your legs together

      • nikkita June 19, 2017, 1:03 pm

        ok il try hopefully it works it sounds like a good idea

        • Katelyn April 20, 2020, 10:04 pm

          I keep doing my bhs and everything is good except I keep landing on my head can anybody give advice on that please.

          • KC July 16, 2020, 2:18 pm

            Make sure you lock your arms tight and push your shoulders up high.

    • Mirha June 13, 2019, 6:22 am

      I kinda have my BHS on bed but my legs are not straight and I seem to do it on my head instead of hands and I either land on my knees or in an unpretty way
      Any tips for my problem??

  • Jevorn June 7, 2017, 8:40 pm

    how do you get over the fear of doing a backhandspring

    • nikkita June 19, 2017, 1:02 pm

      im scared to your brain is just thinking of the bad side think of the good side i know you can do it just conqure your fears i need to do the same aswell

  • nikkita June 19, 2017, 12:58 pm

    i can do a bounce back walkover were i go into a back walkover slowly then when im ready i jump back i also have the same problem i cant keep my feet together i just have to do my bounce backwalkover thingy faster but then il have a nothern problem cuz it will look like a jump back walkover

  • nikkita June 19, 2017, 12:59 pm

    im just also scared at the same time how do i get over my fear!!!

  • Scared June 25, 2017, 6:27 pm

    So, I have been trying to learn my back handspring for a year now, and I can’t get over my fear of falling and breaking my neck. Any suggestions anyone? I have a trampoline but no mat. I have nobody to spot me on it and I don’t do gymnastics so I’m self taught. If anyone could help or has had previous expierence and gotten over their fear, please share.

    • Gymnastics, Cheer, Dance July 13, 2017, 1:54 pm

      Hey, so everyone is scared when they are learning a skill like this. That is part of how we are made. IF you aren’t scared, you aren’t human. If you don’t have anyone to spot you, go to a drop in gymnastics class/clinic where there are trained coaches that will give you a spot. Part of not getting hurt when you do this is you have to go for it 100%. my sister didnt go for it and she hurt her back. she landed in an arch. So basically if you are going to do it, do it the right way and don’t chicken out. GOOD LUCK!!!! youve totally got this and you will get it sooner or later so dont stress it.

  • gymnastics medal hanger July 7, 2017, 4:25 am

    Really informative blog, thanks for sharing the steps for the back handspring, this will definitely help the readers who are the gymnast. Keep sharing some more techniques of gymnastic with us. Waiting for the more helpful articles.

  • The talented one July 8, 2017, 7:58 am

    I can’t open my shoulders enough in my bhs, any tips

  • Sam July 20, 2017, 6:16 pm

    I got my round off backhand spring today, and I feel like I accomplished SO MUCH because I broke one finger and sprained another doing it. And I also got my backwalk over on beam too. Some tips are doing your “Fall sit jump” which is when you fall back against the wall and then sit in your chair shape and then jump. And doing your heel drive drills. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

  • Turtle lover August 1, 2017, 12:24 pm

    I could do a backwalkover and stuff and I’m praticing doing the backhandspring position then jump on my back to a mattress but I’m to afraid of hurting my neck if my arms go out in the middle of the back handspring

    • MJS August 9, 2017, 11:51 am

      That is exactly how I feel!! I still don’t have it and I just can’t get over it. If you find something that helps, please tell me.

  • Acrobat#1 August 14, 2017, 10:58 am

    I did my backhandspring on my first attempt on the floor, now I am trying to learn my back aerial I have been trying for 2 days and can’t get a high enough jump. I am 11 and 4’4″ so it is really hard to get height any ideas? Thanks

  • Acrobat#1 August 14, 2017, 11:07 am

    Not really I did it on my first attempt ever

  • Me August 25, 2017, 1:59 am

    Hello I can already do one but im trying to teach my friend one. I will pin and show her this because she needs to learn the jumping backwards and the shapes. She has nerves about doing it but I tell her its ok. I have a trampoline,pull up bar, a small panel mat I can make into a block, stretchy bands and my panel mat is in the mail so I will need to teach her on tramp first. (•ө•)♡

  • oarjp October 2, 2017, 5:17 pm

    I am a awesome gymnast I have a yurchenko and all of this advice is wrong

  • oarjp October 2, 2017, 5:17 pm

    I am an awesome gymnast I have a yurchenko and all of this advice is wrong

    • Someone October 3, 2017, 8:30 am

      To you, this site might be a waste of time but for others, it really helps. I read the comments on one of my posts and found it really helpful. By reading the posts and having my mom spot me on the ground, I got my bhs. Because you have already gotten yours, you probably don’t remember getting it. It was probably not a piece of cake and you probably had to get stronger to get it. If you don’t like the advice, just don’t use it.

  • Anna November 26, 2017, 12:10 pm

    What about if you cant go to the gym and have no spotter

    • KC July 16, 2020, 2:21 pm

      Practice on a trampoline if you can, and/or use a mat and a bunch of pillows and cushions.

  • Ouch January 9, 2018, 8:13 pm

    Today I was at gymnastics and my teacher drop me on my face when I was doing a backhand spring. So I’m stuck with Back walk overs for now hope you all are having better luck than me.

  • Getting over the fear January 28, 2018, 10:24 am

    For those of you who have done a back handspring before, just remember that if you have done it once, you can do it again. It’s your mind that’s getting in the way. Warm up, work on a few drills (handstand hops, back limbers) then go for it. Start on a padded surface (a mat, mattress, trampoline) then, when you feel ready, move to the ground. If you are still afraid, clear your head and tell your self “swing arms, jump back and bring legs overhead)”. It may be messy at first, but this can help you get over a mental block.

  • A gymnast March 4, 2018, 1:40 am

    I have been trying to do a back handspring for ages. When I try to do one on the trampoline, I land on my back. Do you have any tips?

    • Annabel July 12, 2018, 2:56 pm

      I cannot do a backhand spring but a tip is to build a tower of strong cushions and lay on them then try do a back handspring because. It will make sure that your hands and feet don’t touch the floor at the same time and you won’t land on your back it will also build strength so when you try it without cushions on the trampoline or on land you will be stronger at it and you will have got over the fear.
      Have a nice evening.

  • me March 23, 2018, 8:57 am

    do you need to be able to do a handstand or the splits to do this?

    • Mary Jane Skelton March 23, 2018, 9:57 pm

      Yes you do need a handstand. If you don’t have a handstand yet, I would suggest that you learn one. When doing a back handspring, you jump backwards into a handstand and snap down.

  • Me June 24, 2018, 4:43 pm

    So scary. Any tips on how to go back?

  • Me June 24, 2018, 4:44 pm

    So scary. Any tips on how to go back? – me

  • self taught August 10, 2018, 4:34 pm

    hey so im self taught for 2 years now and just got my backhandspring out of nowhere! but i just went on my trampoline and started doing backwalkovers with a little jump then with the arm swing the with my feet together and i did it just like that! make sure you have a proper backwalkover first good luck!

  • Self tough gymnast September 22, 2018, 3:12 pm

    Guys plz give me tips to help me to do a back hand spring I’ve been learning this for like 3 years now I’m good at doing a back walkover although I’m very VERY scared of doing a back hand spring so I went online and found this today (ps. I’ve been looking on YouTube vids and they don’t help normally they help)so I tried these tips and excercises and they still didn’t help so if anyone is willing to help me please comment and thanks for reading this☺

    • gymnast December 16, 2019, 7:21 pm

      TRY all this on a trampoline

      if you can do a back walkover, try doing a back limber (backbend, then jump your feet over your head while keeping them together). when you have done this a couple of times, try blocking off your hands through your shoulders right when your feet are over your head, just like you would do at the end of a back handspring. when you are good at blocking off your shoulders, try jumping a little bit into your backbend. the jumps can be small at first, but when you start to get more comfortable with that, make them bigger. soon you will be over your fear of jumping backward. I did this and it worked for me. You can also keep your feet together with a scrunchie around your ankles. soon you will have your back handspring! good luck!

  • Tyasia Holloway November 18, 2018, 1:15 pm

    me I really want to be a gymnast and when I was in cheerleading my coach always tried to spot me on a back handspring and I would be scared then she said I had trust issues and I’m trying so hard to overcome that has anyone had or has the same problem

  • Rubby November 18, 2018, 7:58 pm

    I’m a self taught gymnast and I’ve been trying to get my bhs for a while now. One thing I noticing I’m struggling with is getting a wider, more stretched out bhs, if you know what I mean. I always land right by where my feet started out. I find because of that I don’t get very much momentum. Any tips? I’ve tried leaning back in my heels more in the beginning but it doesn’t seem to be working.

    • Mary Jane November 19, 2018, 6:21 am

      So I struggled with this problem as well, and it was pretty simple to fix. All you have to do is just really try to leap backwards. At first, it can be scary but you got this!

    • Ellie April 19, 2019, 9:07 am

      I am the same!!!!!!!!

  • mckenzie January 21, 2019, 6:11 pm

    I have trouble doing my back handspring with straight legs any comments?

  • Orla Mc Cord March 1, 2019, 2:32 pm

    This was weirdly easy for me, I learned my back handspring in level 2 now I’m level 7 but this was a great help!! Hope you learned this too

  • Ariel March 30, 2019, 11:21 am

    I need to really learn how to do my back handspring badly.

  • Ellie April 19, 2019, 9:05 am

    I can’t do it I’ve tried on a trampoline but fell back onto my elbows instead of my hands and I get really scared when I try to do it’, I’ve tried doing a back walkover with my legs together and gradually jumping into it but it’s still so hard!!!!

    • Riley Petersen July 5, 2019, 11:29 pm

      So, I’m still learning but I almost have it this is a little drill I do to help me- I’ll go into a backbend but right before my hands touch the ground I JUMP and I helps so much I suggest doing it on a trampoline for the first few tries! Good Luck!

  • ellery June 2, 2019, 7:31 pm

    so basically i got my back-handspring back in march, but then about 2 weeks ago i lost all my confidence after i did it at home one time and cracked my neck and stress fractured my wrist. i was having trouble with my confidence, but this really helped! i can almost do it by myself again with no hesitation 🙂 thanks!!!

  • Mirha June 13, 2019, 6:20 am

    I kinda have my BHS on bed but my legs are not straight and I seem to do it on my head instead of hands and I either land on my knees or in an unpretty way
    Any tips for my problem??

  • Cheerleader 101 June 30, 2019, 10:00 pm

    I got my bhs when I was like 5 soooo easy

    • micaela July 21, 2020, 10:51 am

      woah could you tech me how ! I’m ten but , whatever .

  • Gymnast August 22, 2019, 4:26 pm

    I can do a super fast back limber, but can’t get my bhs w/ no spot cause I’m scared, but I no I can do it! HELLLLPPPP!

    • Manakoa gymnast April 21, 2021, 5:11 pm

      With that mindset, I don’t think you will get your back handspring anytime soon. You just gotta believe in yourself!

  • Gracie J Gallagher September 11, 2019, 7:40 pm

    this is so hard

  • mikaila September 26, 2019, 1:07 pm

    My coach is teaching me on Friday. I am preparing.

  • Ex Gymnast October 26, 2019, 12:59 pm

    I can’t do a backhand spring anywhere! Must I learn how to do a back limber? I’m struggling! I’ve been trying to do a backhandspring for years now, and NOTHING IS HELPING. I keep jumping to the side, bending my arms, and lots of mental blocks! There’s nobody to spot me, nobody wants to. I’m 11 and I’m already 165! Can I do it? My parents aren’t letting me practice gymnastics again, no matter how much I try. I can do a back walkover, kickover but not the back limber! I keep falling on my head (back limber), not getting all the way around, misplaying my wrists, separating my legs and all! My friend can do it, but her tips aren’t even working. People keep saying “just practice”. IT WON’T HAPPEN! My school gym sucks. I can spot my friends, bu they can’t spot me “just because I am heavy, or tall”. Geez. I’m so scared. When I was a gymnast I never learned it on a trampoline either… I didn’t learn anything, but I want to learn! Plus I want to get good grades! I’m talented in gymnastics, but I’m not allowed to do like anything! I can more less to most skills going forward, not backward! HELP! If you see this, please help me! I need help! I can’t just give up!
    My back handspring is in your hands…

  • Elly Grace March 4, 2020, 12:00 am

    Hey does anyone have tips for an especially tall gymnast? I am 5′ 10” and I have a standing backbend and I’ve almost got my kick over. I’m in a class, but as I started at 13 and was 5′ 5” to start with, I’m not able to progress as quickly. It’s mostly a mental thing, but I also can’t use the barrels or tubes very well–they’re made for 4-5’6” ish people 🙂
    Any tips?

    • Lizzie February 18, 2024, 9:15 am

      I can relate so much. I am 11 and 5 ft. When I was learning my back handspring on the floor since I was too tall for the barels I used the barells to jump over. And what I found that helped that was when insted of a barell I used a bolder. It is great for tall people and is actually made for tall people. People on the shorter side have to have matts stacked up to they can get a good jump. You should try it.

      I put a like of how it looks,11210.html

  • Jess March 15, 2020, 11:26 am

    I am so scared to try one plz advise some tricks I am on this level as well

    • Self-Taught Gymnast Ali I am also the one that needs help on the bottom. April 22, 2020, 11:02 am

      Well. first you must have confidence in yourself. If you can’t you never will. I did it without a spotter. Yes, I was scared because I didn’t know how to do it. Then I was like I’m going to do it. Just don’t think about anything while you are doing it. If you can do a back walkover add a little jump and keep streching and practicing everyday.
      Hope this helps!
      IF you need tutorials I am on tik tok with the name: alidoessports which is going to be changed in 12 days.
      I hope you get it! 🙂

  • kaylee April 8, 2020, 9:11 pm

    im cared to do it

  • Self-Taught Gymnast that needs help! Please April 22, 2020, 10:57 am

    So, I am self-taught. I have been looking for ways to fix my roundoff back handspring but can’t seem to get it exactly right. I mean I started doing gymnastics in May 2018 and got my round off back handspring. In Fall 2018 I got my aerial. I am trying to fix my back handspring. Whenever I do it I go to the side. 🙁 Is there some advice someone can give me so they can help me? I want to get it correctly so I can do my back tuck on ground. I don’t have a trampoline and I have confidence in myself which is why I am able to get this right. So please help me! I am 5’0 and needs help on her front aerial and straightening her back handspring. Whenever I do it I go mostly to one side. I dont know why but I would like advice! Thank You!
    And for anyone needing tips
    1st: Have confidence in yourself
    2nd: Have someone spot you
    3rd: ( if you can’t do the 2nd one… do the back walkover and then add a little jump back
    4th: It is hard but evantually you will get it
    Thank You and I hope these helped!
    Also, go add me on snap: aliana_cruces
    Insta: aliana_c10
    and tik tok: alidoessports which will be changed to alianacruces in like 12 days

    • Jacqueline Janine Alford August 21, 2020, 12:39 am

      Have you strengthened your core. It is very important to strengthen your core and every part of your body. Conditioning is very important. I’m sure you have heard this many times. I am a coach, my daughter is an Athlete. She struggled with the same issue as you. Turned out she needed to strengthen her core and entire body, but even more her feet. I took her to a Churipractor natural healer. She said my daughter had weak feet, toes and ankles. So she had her strengthen her feet with foot stretches, and putting a towel flat on the floor, my daughter used her toes to pull the towel from one area to another area. She always had 2 bags of cotton balls, piled them on the floor, she would pick them up with her toes moving them to a new pile until all cotton balls were gone. She did this twice a day. It really improved her strength and control, she also used a line on the gym floor to follow when doing back hand springs. Another skills that she improved was standing heal stretches. She used to have a hard time wabbling around, now after strengthening she can stand in one place and hold her heal stretch to her ear. The key is strength and control.

    • Ex-Gymnast + Coach September 11, 2020, 1:44 pm

      Are you opening your arms all the way and at the same time? If you jump back straight but land skew it might be that you’re not opening both arms up (that is they’re not both going all the way to your ears. One might be stopping early)

      If the problem is that you’re jumping skew then that could be due to a number of different reasons. Do you have a standing backhandspring? Most form issues are worked out when learning the standing backhandspring. If you ask a coach to watch you do it and give feedback they should be able to tell you what the issue is.

      If you don’t have a coach available ask someone to record you doing your standing backhandspring, then watch the recording in slow motion. Chances are you’re either not opening one arm all the way or turning a part of your body (your torso? Your hips?)

      If you don’t have a standing backhandspring you can record your roundoff-backhandspring and try and correct it that way but I’d suggest just getting it standing because the control required may force you out of the habits causing you to go skew.

  • Joel July 15, 2020, 6:55 pm

    I tried this today but I can’t still do this because I am always scared
    I once broke my right arm and was hurt for almost three months

  • Gymnast... August 15, 2020, 7:55 pm

    I can do a back handspring, I am learning one on the beam (back handspring step out). Can you do a page about that?

  • annonymus September 23, 2020, 8:34 pm

    hi,I really need help on the jump back,keeping my legs together , and having confidence 🙁 got any tips?

    • Ali October 26, 2020, 11:45 pm

      Hi! Well what you should try first is doing it on a trampoline. Don’t have one? Then first try someone spotting you or practice walking down a wall backwards. Or do a fast back bend and then add a little hop. Little by little you will get it. If you run and do a run off and don’t think about it then you will do it! That’s how I got my full layout!
      Hope this helps! Reply if you need more explanation! 🙂
      – Ali

      • Melissa May 7, 2021, 11:15 am

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  • Not gonna tell u my name January 16, 2021, 5:38 pm

    Ok yes I’m xcel gold but I can’t even do a backbend kickover my coach says I can go with out it but to go to platinum I have to get it any tips?

  • AHHHHH!!!! January 21, 2021, 12:37 pm

    I don’t have the stuff to do it, because I can not go to gym because of covid-19!!!!!!!! Can anyone help me with a back hip circle on bars? My coach just decided to move me up because she was leaving… I should really move down a level.
    P.S. I can do a mill-circle though!!!
    Not gonna tell u my name, if you are struggling with back bend to kickover, I suggest that you get over your fears first, then practice with strength, then try to push of little, by little until you can get over

    • samantha February 2, 2021, 6:51 pm

      i could help ive been self taught since i was 5

  • TalyBlueHue March 10, 2021, 8:56 pm

    I can’t do a bridge back kickover! Or a back limber! I’m too scared to do a back handspring, but my other gymnasts in my class in level 3 can do it! What’s wrong here?!

  • Kara March 14, 2021, 4:22 pm

    I have all the skills that I need but im just so scared to jump back bc I feel like im gonna break my wrists…..or land on my head..but I know that I can do it…any tips to get over my fear?

    • Same January 28, 2023, 5:10 pm

      The same thing with me!

  • amelia April 18, 2021, 10:11 am

    can you watch me do a roundoff backhandspring back tuck

  • Gymnast at home April 21, 2021, 5:15 pm

    Hi everyone! I am working on my back handspring too, I am having some trouble, but I know I can do it. Any tips?

  • Super Tall and Trying to Learn Back Handspring April 27, 2021, 9:59 pm

    Aaaaaaahhhhhh! I’m 5’8″ and I’m trying to learn a back handspring. I have it PERFECTLY on the bed which is bouncy but when I go on the floor with couch cushions, I have no momentum. Help.

  • Melissa J. May 7, 2021, 11:17 am

    A reliable spiritual man that helped me restore my broken marriage Email:Robinsonbuckler11@gmail com ^__^^__^

  • Jennifer May 7, 2021, 11:28 am


  • rayne November 1, 2021, 2:13 pm


  • Tove May 16, 2022, 10:07 am

    Help! Im scared and i dont have one att home that can pass me, what do i do

  • mark July 14, 2022, 5:22 am

    I Got cured from herpes with herbal med from___________________doctorvoke1 @gmail com……….

  • Eva bjerke July 17, 2022, 1:18 pm

    I am 12 years old and I am 5’2. I am practicing a back handspring on a trampoline, but a friend of mine said not go head first, but arms so I tried it, and I could not manage it! Help please!

  • Zoe December 6, 2022, 3:31 am

    Just wondering if a round off backhandspring is easier than a standing one?

    • Maybe January 28, 2023, 5:13 pm

      I’m not sure, it feels easier for me but because I have more power from the round off. But it takes up more energy I think from running tho

  • Aleena January 31, 2023, 3:59 pm

    Can you post one on how to do a backhandspring on beam?

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  • Momcat June 1, 2023, 10:44 pm

    Concentrate more on correct form. Not all exercises listed are helpful or safe.

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  • skyla October 27, 2023, 4:20 pm

    i was a self taught gymnast since i was seven then i started to go to clubs. i went to a fun gymnastics and then i go to heathrow now and i do competing so when i do gymnastics with my friends i am very competitive and tell them that theyre not doing it properly

  • Shala February 20, 2024, 7:10 pm

    this did not help me fuck y’all and this ok I will make sure that my family and friends hear about this like I said fuck y’all and this ok goodbye have a nice life ok. FUCK Y’ALL! ok

  • payton April 18, 2024, 11:35 am

    hey queens just go for it

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