Spiderman Against the Wall Gymnastics Exercise

To do this exercise, pick a wall in your house with nothing around it that would be dangerous if you fell. You want to do this on carpet or a mat. Stand about a foot from the wall with your back to the wall. Put your hands on the ground and one foot on the wall. Slowly, walk your hands closer to the wall as you walk your feet up the wall, until your stomach is touching the wall and you are in a handstand position. Keep your head neutral but look at your hands with your eyes. Hold this for as long as you can before coming down. If your child doesn’t know how to do a handstand yet, then parents you can help them by holding their waist and helping to support them while they do this. When you are ready to come down you can either bring your feet to the side until they touch the floor, or you can forward roll out of it.

This exercise is great because it helps to teach the proper handstand position by using the wall to get the body as straight as possible. And its an easy way to practice gymnastics at home 🙂

Gymnast: @kyriana.whitney_gymnastsisters

Here is another gymnast, Sutton Sanders, doing a Spiderman Handstand:

Check out our new Handstand Training Packet:

This is one of the 10 Exercises You can do At Home to Practice Your Gymnastics Skills.

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View Comments (34)

  • Thank you! I love little things like this that I do with my students but to actually see someone demonstrating it is wonderful!

  • I am a 14 year old Elite gymnast. We do this excersise every practice for 1 minute each time. Then at the end of every practice we have a competition on who can hold that position for the longest. I think it's a great idea and it helps us warmup & cool down, and its a good way for our coach to talk to us whilst not wasting time (because we are warming up or cooling down at the same time)

    • Hi! I'm natatia's mom, posting for her because she is only 5. She is young but a serious gymnast, and I'm wondering if you have one or 2 simple exercises you recommend to help with her work on the beam. Bars and tumbling are her strength, but beam is an area of difficulty. Something similar to this spider man (easy to understand and can be done at home).

      • Hi Natatia's mom! Does she have a low beam at home? If not you can always make a line with duct tape. I would say the best thing to get better at beam is just to be on it practicing walking on her tippy toes (in relevé). The goal is to be really comfortable walking forwards, backwards, sidewards, doing scales, and kicks.

  • I do those a lot and at practice we hold for a minute I mean I guess there help full but really they don’t master a handstand

  • Every time i try to do a handstand no matter if its on the wall or without wall i always fall down or i either lose my breath and feel a blood rush all the way to my head quickly. Am i doing something wrong or am i not ready to do a handstand?

    • I can understand that you cannot do it without a wall, but on a wall, in which way are you falling? If you are falling with your head coming toward the floor, than that means that you need to lock your arms. If you are going back down the way you came up, than you might want to move your hands a little further from the wall so you can 'lean' on it. Also, you must remember to breathe so you don't lose your breath. Those who do handstands like these for over a minute need a way to get oxygen. Don't hold your breath, cause it can make you feel sick.

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